Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Stealing The Wealth of the World

 Almost every week I receive “preapproved” mortgage loans, credit cards, invitations to change banks and investment opportunities that will make me wealthy in a matter of months.  I understand that there is a conspiracy to control my money.  Yes, I know I may sound like a “conspiracy theory” nut but the reality is there is a conspiracy to control the money of the working class people.  It has been going on since evil men designed a way to rob people of their wealth.  There was a system devised that changed gold for paper.  This system is still used today to create wealth for the money manipulators by printing worthless paper money.  The problem is that this practice is so common that no one wants to challenge the system and very few individuals will even question the practice.
What is frustrating is that as a middle-class, working person I have no real control over my money.  I am at the mercy of the present banking system.  So if you have time let me give you a short history lesson with the intent of getting you angry and upset.
One of the aspects of banking that most people know little to nothing about is the fractional reserve system.  This is the standard banking practice where the bank can issue more money than it actual holds in reserve.  Did you know that for every dollar you have in your checking or savings account, the bank can legally loan out ten dollars or more?  Is it any wonder that the bank wants you to start a checking and savings account and can offer you money and gifts to open that new account?  Every dollar has the potential of becoming ten dollars or more.-
The public education system has a poor track record of teaching economics to our children.  Colleges and universities have just as poor of a record, although they may touch on the history of the present day banking practices without exposing the corruption.
Here's a description of fraction reserve banking's origins from a standard university macroeconomics text [1]:
"When the ancients began to use gold in making transactions, it became apparent that it was both unsafe and inconvenient for consumers and merchants to carry gold and have it weighed and assessed for purity every time a transaction was negotiated. It, therefore, became commonplace to deposit one's gold with goldsmiths whose vaults or strong rooms could be used for a fee. Upon receiving a gold deposit, the goldsmith issued a receipt to the depositor. Soon goods were traded for the goldsmiths' receipts and the receipts became the first kind of paper money.
"At this point the goldsmiths – embryonic bankers – used a 100% reserve system; their circulating paper money receipts were fully backed by gold. But, given the public's acceptance of the goldsmiths' receipts as paper money, the goldsmiths became aware that the gold they stored was rarely redeemed. Then some adroit banker hit on the idea that paper money could be issued in excess of the amount of gold held. Goldsmiths [then began to issue] additional 'receipts' ... into circulation by making interest-earning loans in the form of gold receipts. This was the beginning of the fractional reserve system of banking."
The college text from which the above quote is taken does not question the propriety of goldsmiths creating these new "receipts" or money without any gold backing, without any authority, and indeed without any real reason to do so other than to enrich themselves. In fact, the text even praises the questionable behavior of the one who began this hidden form of corruption as "adroit."
The unsuspecting public had no idea that goldsmiths were issuing paper receipts accepted as money which was backed by no gold deposits at all for ten times or more the amount of gold that had been entrusted to them. The goldsmiths were secretly creating money out of thin air. They thus made themselves fantastically wealthy without anyone noticing what was going on. To better hide this deceit and divert people's attention, the goldsmiths stopped their old practice of charging for storing gold and instead began to pay customers a small interest on their gold deposits to keep them happy. Thus, it was that modern day bankers were born.
Amazingly, the system has changed little today. Macroeconomics professors, college texts, and all involved with banking almost never question the ethics or morality of this fractional reserve system. No one even questions in any meaningful way the ethics and corruption involved in creating money out of thin air. In fact, the fractional reserve system was formalized into law centuries ago and continues to be both legal and the accepted common practice around the world today.
Have you ever wondered how banks afford those massive buildings downtown if they charge only 10% or so on loans and pay 5% or less interest on deposits? If bankers were not allowed to create money out of thin air, they would be making only a few percent a year on every loan issued, far from enough to build the towering skyscrapers owned by banks in practically every major city. But by creating credit (money) using the fractional reserve system, bankers can legally claim credit to 10 times or more the amount of any loan. Now you can understand the foundation upon which global banking empires are built.
I know you are saying that it does not hurt me.  I put my money in the bank and have the convenience of using a debit card, writing a check or have a savings account that is insured.  So what is the problem is the banks loan out more money than they actual have in reserves?  The problem is the money created from thin air inflates the money that is earned by hard working people.  Your dollar is worth less. In fact, it will eventually become worthless.  This practice only serves to allow the banking system to continue to wield excessively powerful and corrupt influence on business, industry and government.
Keep this in mind, the entire source of power those who control the economics of the world is their ability to hide from the general public the corrupt system they have put in place to control the wealth of the world. 
Yes, I do believe that there exists an "elite group of manipulators" at the top of banking and industry, operating through government and the media, and controlling our political, social and personal lives to ever-increasing degrees.
This elite group has been pursuing its ambitions for centuries and is operating an agenda entirely not in our interest. It has ruthlessly manipulated the political landscape via the strategic destabilization and reorganization of nation states; and its ultimate objective is to take the citizens of the world and slowly mold them into a single, homogenized trading and consuming block under their centralized control.
If this sounds like some apocalyptic conspiracy theory to have world domination you are right.  It is no more than the fulfillment of prophecy. The ultimate goal of this elite group is to bring about a single global marketplace, controlled by a world government, policed by a world army, financially regulated by a world bank via a single global currency.  The sad part of all this is that there is nothing we can do to stop them.  It has been prophesied as far back as Biblical prophets that this would take place.
Today, there are those who are pushing Americans to invest in gold and re-establishing a gold standard.  From the lessons of history, we should understand the bankers will not go quietly.  The power of the Federal Reserve bankers will never surrender without a fight.  Only the rich will be able to invest in gold and with 16 million unemployed and who really knows the true number we must prepare for more chaos and anarchy.  Our hope is not in gold and silver our hope is in Truth and that truth is founded on  Biblical principals.
 The economic problems of the world or even our country will be hard pressed to solve the economic  problem by promises of hope and change.  The whole attitude of entitlement has created an atmosphere of envy, greed and discontentment among those who have become dependent upon the government to meet their basic needs of food, clothing and housing.  This same discontentment is starting to grow among those who have lost their jobs, homes and ability to provide for the basics needs of their family.  When there are no more unemployment benefits left, there will be more riots and chaos.  Americans will grow weary of all of this and like France accept a leader who may solve our financial woes at the cost of our freedom. 
What concerns me is there will be those who accept the games both political parties have worked on the American people for years. They gain our confidence and steal our wealth.  Every four years we hear the same lies from the frauds and thieves that have only one purpose in mind—reduce the American people to the status of poor and gain their own personal wealth.  They bailout the rich, oppress the poor and steal from the working class all under the guise of taking care of us.  The American people have listened to the Serpents of Monetary control and we have lost the Independence of -- We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Remember this, your freedom is tied directly to your wealth.  Who controls your wealth controls your freedom.

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