Sunday, August 25, 2024

Facing Death

 As a minister of fifty-six years, I have sat with those living in their final moments. I have conducted memorial services for those who have passed away. I have felt the cold hand of death as it has taken friends and family from this life.

Death is something that we all must face. Facing death personally can often feel like an emotional rollercoaster, with grief, love, fear, anger, hope, peace, and despair all finding a place at one time or another. A range of emotions is normal, but if you constantly feel numb, help is available.

The harsh reality we must confront is that Adam's fall condemned us all to sin and death. There's no escaping this grim truth - we are born sinners destined to face mortality. But don't despair! There's a way out of this dire situation. We must actively seek forgiveness and embrace the gift of salvation. Acknowledging our sinful nature is not enough; we must take decisive action to secure our eternal future. By accepting this gift, we can find unshakeable peace and security in knowing that death has been utterly defeated. The choice is clear: continue living under the shadow of death or seize the opportunity for eternal life. Don't wait - your very soul depends on this crucial decision. Act now to overcome the penalty of sin and claim your victory over death!

The gift of salvation is not a mere suggestion; it's a life-altering necessity for every human being. The burden of sin's guilt weighs heavily on our souls, crushing us under condemnation. But make no mistake, this conviction is not meant to destroy us—it's a divine wake-up call. Confession is not optional; it's the first step towards freedom. We must confront our wrongdoings head-on, holding nothing back. This raw honesty paves the way for true repentance, a complete turnaround from our sinful ways. It's not enough to feel sorry; we must actively choose to change. Forgiveness follows genuine repentance, wiping our slate clean. This isn't a free pass to continue in sin but a second chance to live righteously. Through this process, we experience justification—being declared righteous in God's eyes, not because of our merit, but through Christ's sacrifice. Salvation is the ultimate goal, the complete rescue from sin's power and consequences. It's not earned; it's given freely. But don't be fooled—while salvation is a gift, it demands a response. We must grasp it, allowing it to transform every aspect of our lives. The choice is yours: continue in sin's bondage or embrace the liberating power of salvation. There is no middle ground. This gift of salvation will give you the courage and peace of mind to face death. 

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