Thursday, March 8, 2018

North Korea, Russia, Syria, Iran, Who Is The Real Enemy?

I have tried to remain silent about the North Korea issue but will break my silence and speak my thoughts.  First, I am the first to admit that I am not an expert on Korea.  I am not sure what the actual military strength is of this country.  I do know that they are continually agreeing to do better and then go back on their word.
Fox News has reported, President Trump may have just forced North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un to come the negotiating tablewith maybe just a little help from Twitter.  Sounds good, but it is doubtful.
Experts say that Trump’s strategy dealing with the rogue regime – a combination of tweeted warnings and mockery, tough sanctions and pressure on China and others to tow the line – is bearing fruit. Evidence came this week when Kim told a delegation from South Korea his regime is willing to discuss nuclear disarmament with the United States.  Once a country gets nuclear power, why would they agree to disarmament? 
Trump has ridiculed Kim by calling him "Little Rocket Man," warned that his "nuclear button is bigger" and announced that the dictator's belligerence "will be met with fire and fury the likes of which the world has never seen." In the battle of words Trump wins, but what will be the end result?
Here is my take on all this.  No nations are threaten America, not Russia, North Korea, Syrian or even Iran or any others. Those making these claims are telling the big lie - a pretext for increased military spending along with fear-mongering to enlist public support and strengthen the globalist elite. I am for a strong military, but we need to be protecting our nation, not Europe or Israel.
 North Korea has been a distraction from what is happening in Syria, Ukraine, and along the Russian boarder.  Back in 2015, the US started their push to up the stakes as a significant threat to Russian.  The US government has been pushing Russia towards a possible conflict.  Thousands of US boots on the ground, tanks and other military hardware in Latvia represented the Obama's administration.  Has that changed?  No!
May of 2017, NATO commander US General Curtis Scaparrotti said he needed more funding for an increased long-term military buildup in Europe.  He wanted an additional combat brigade and support troops to counter a Russian threat - despite none existing.  In March, of 2017, he said he needed more ground forces, combat air squadrons and carrier strike groups in areas he commands.  Citing a “heavy (Russian) force” in Europe, he failed to explain it’s almost entirely within its own borders - unlike America’s military defiantly deployed worldwide, including near Russian, Chinese and North Korean borders.
Right now, hawkish members along with Pentagon commanders urge more significant numbers of US combat troops in Europe to deter nonexistent “Russian aggression” - a provocative plan risking direct confrontation. Days ahead of Trump's FY 2018 budget rollout, they urged a greater US conventional force buildup in Eastern Europe.  Why?  Has Russia made threats towards America?  It is hard for our government leaders to realize the American people are tired of war and have nothing against the Russian people.  We were glad the Cold War ended, and the Walls of separation from the east and west came down.  So, why are we kicking dirt in the face of Russians wanting to start a fight?  We should be protecting our own boarder and not those in Europe.  We have a drug problem in this country because we do not protect our own borders.  We have an immigration problem because we do not protect our own borders.  Why do we have thousands of troops along the Russian border defending against what?  Are we being threatened with an invasion of Russian troops?
What group is pushing the agenda of fighting with Russian and gaining world dominance?  I am concerned that we have those passing themselves off as conservative patriots, who are no more than a bunch of hateful neocons infesting Washington, thriving on endless hostility, abhorring peace and stability.  American’s should be concerned that our government has been going all over the world changing sovereign nations to rubble that do not bow to US government dictates.  For the past several years there has been a move to push Russia into a conflict that no one wins.  Who is this group that has such hatred for Russia?  Could this go back as far as the late 1800’s? 
There is one group that has shown their hatred for Russian for a long time.  Even after the Tsarist government tried to meet their demands of equality, they worked towards the destruction of the government.  Some in Russia today believe this group constitutes a form of Satanism.
This group of people has communities all over the world that carry out lobbying for their interests and to the detriment of the countries in which they live. They have become the globalist elite who mask their criminal activities by crying allegedly racial hatred against those who disagree with them.  They are the same people who control and manipulate every aspect of government.  They are the power behind the “throne” of world leaders.  They are antichrist, antichristian, and are seeking world domination.  They are the destroyers of nations.  They have a focused hatred for Russian and have done everything within their power to destroy the Russian government.  They have been called the “synagogue of Satan” by Jesus Christ.
There is not one elected leader in the US government that will speak out against them for fear of repercussions. They are influential in both political parties and set the policies that have no interest to the American people; these people are traitors to America. 
In the words of - Marcus Tullius Cicero, “A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys heard in the very halls of government itself.  For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
We as a nation have been manipulated, misdirected, and misinformed as to who is the real enemy.  It is time America stops fighting the wars for those who are anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-Russian and anti-Christ.  It is time to get our house in order and remove those who seek only to destroy this Nation.
By the way, I did not identify who these global elitist are, but if you are thinking of a group you might be correct.

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