Friday, April 27, 2018

What Was Abnormal, Is Now Normal

This year marks 70 years for me and as I look back on my life much has changed in the world I live.  There are so many things that were at one time normal, but now are abnormal. There was a respect for authority and obedience for rules and law. For the most part, people were decent and polite both in public and private. Men treat women with respect.  Children were respectful of the elderly.  Sunday was a time for worship and family—all these things have changed drastically, and the world is turned upside down.

People disrespect rules and feel they have RIGHTS. People need safe-places, they are spoiled, pampered and lack respect for any type of authority or people as a whole.  Their sense of the spiritual has been replaced by a virtual world of fantasy.  For the most part, they have been catered to, surrounded by amusements, comforts and their every whim has been fulfilled.  They have no understanding of NO!  This is the culture of “me,” their wants are more important than the needs of others.  Parents are ruled by their children. Schools are becoming a place to learn social protest and churches have lost the message of transformational salvation.

I realize that this is not the case with your children, home, or church, but it is the case with enough families that it is the rule of the contemporary family.  Today, you must be careful how you discipline a child.  Neighbors are watching, teachers are listening, doctors are watching, law enforcement is watching and how you discipline must meet their approval.  This has led to a decline in disciple of children.  When these children grow older, they surround themselves with like individuals.  They are in a constant search for “fun.”  Even in the church, the youth are only attracted to things that are “fun.”  Could it be that the search for “fun” has led to an empty life that is focused on “me?” Could it be that this is the reason suicide is high? Could the fun life style be the reason companies cannot find people to work?  Could this be the reason there are so many marriages failing?  I’m just asking the questions.

I am aware there are youth who turn to religion.  What I have witnessed with most “religious youth” is a religion that is not transformational, it is more about self-improvement, self-development, and emotional.  They are focused on the same type of music to which non-Christian youth are hearing. The music is the same the lyrics are changed to make it religious. They dress and talk the same as non-Christian youth.  They have the same problems with alcohol, drugs, sex, and depression.  Their lives have not experienced the transformation power of Jesus Christ.  They do the same old things only with a “religious” name.  

Let me rant for just a moment. The hymns of the church are gone in most churches, with songs off the wall.  You say that’s OK. But it is not OK.   It is in the hymns where sound doctrine is taught.  The hymnal is a tool for teaching theology. The great principles of our faith have been incorporated into some of our most significant hymns.  The easiest way to discover the potential of the hymnal for teaching theology is to study its topical index.  Enough said.

I grew up when men were respected.  Today, there is this universal attack on men; it is openly in the secular world and becoming familiar in the church world.  The problem in the church is that the subliminal message is that “religion” is for women.  For men, Sunday is a day to relax, enjoy yourself, be comfortable and watch some type of sporting event.  This is the same message which is openly expressed officially in atheist countries.  Religion is not important.  If you don’t realize this, you should.  This is what has turned our world upside down.

Our culture has changed from one where God was worshipped, to forget God there are more important things in life.  The fear of God and the reverence for holy things are no more than the stupid ideas of religious nuts or “old-fashioned” beliefs that need to be eliminated. Christianity is on its way out.  Don’t waste your time going to church with a bunch of old women.  Sad that we have come to this. (Yes, I know your church is on fire and many lost souls have been brought into the kingdom of God.) 

It is true in 70 years much has changed in the world.  The carefree, fun-loving, self-worshipping people of today are in for a rude awakening.  As we see the generation that the Apostle Paul warned Timothy about becoming the norm for our culture, we are in for some troubling times.

Paul tells us these people:

1.     They will love only themselves and money.

2.     They will be proud and boast about themselves.

3.     They will abuse others with insults.

4.     They will not obey their parents.

5.     They will be ungrateful.

6.     They will fight against all that is pleasing to God.

7.     They will have no love for others and will refuse to forgive anyone.

8.     They will talk about others to hurt them and will have no self-control.

9.     They will be cruel and hate what is right. People will turn against their friends.

10.They will do foolish things without thinking and will be so proud of themselves. Instead of loving God, they will enjoy pleasure.

11.They will go on pretending to be devoted to God, but they will refuse to let that “devotion” change the way they live.

Paul says, Stay away from these people! It may be useful advice but when your whole society is this way it is difficult.  Keep the faith, endure until the end, watch for the LORD He is coming back.

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