Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Standing All Alone

 For the last three years, I have warned about the coming food crisis, the failure of the supply chain, the collapse of our economic system, the increase in the death rate, and the war on Christian beliefs. It has been like talking to a post. I have come to realize there is nothing more I can do to warn of the Evil we are facing. I have tried to convince people, especially those who call themselves Christian, that Evil is here now. I have reconciled myself to the cold hard fact that Satan has blinded the eyes of so many. It is difficult to understand why Christians cannot see the evil parading in front of them. Are people so blind that they cannot see what is happening daily, or do they refuse to see?

Satan has so distracted people that they fail to see the late hour we are facing. The end is near, and we are living like the days of Noah. People continue eating, drinking, and being merry as if they do not see the darkness of Evil spreading across the world.

I even said I would not dwell on the judgment of the LORD that comes on this nation because no one was listening. I am resolved to stand alone and dwell on the things that matter. What matters is eternity and how I loved and cared for my family. It will not matter what I own or do not own, my educational status, or any status symbol. None of this is going to matter. What matters is, have I listened to the voice of God? Have I done all he asked me to do? Have I been faithful to the commission the LORD has given to me? My actions towards the commandments, precepts, testimonies and the law of God are all that matters. There is no "virtue signaling" involved. There is no one to impress. Others' opinions do not matter. I will stand alone and face the ridicule of those who believe I am overreacting.

When I read about parents taking their children to "drag queen hour," I feel disgusted. 

Having spent 38 years in education, I know how teachers indoctrinate their students into immoral ideologies. I find it hard to accept that Christians have their children in government schools. When is it right to expose your child to gender identity issues taught in government schools? Is it any wonder our youth are confused about how God created them? I asked myself why have all Christian parents not taken their children out of public government schools. When is it right to expose your child to drugs, immoral sex acts, violence, and antichrist doctrines? Is it any wonder we have a generation that does not know God? Public government education has changed since you, as a parent, went to school. The idea that Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic are the core subject is no longer the case. Discipline is out of hand; drugs, sex, and violence are in every public government school and are on the rise. Children are bullied to the point that some commit suicide. Is this what you are willing to expose your child to every day in school?

When the medical system mutilates young children in the name of an ideology that children are born "gender fluid" and can one day decide which body parts they want to keep and which they want surgically removed or altered, I see the hand of Satan. What kind of people do these things? What sickness has taken over their hearts, minds, and hands that do the work? If you cannot see Satan's work being done by these evil people, you are blind and spiritually dead. 

Regardless of your politics, our government is rushing toward World War III by provoking Russia and China. I can only shake my head at the stupidity of our elected officials and those who vote them into office.

Governments have done incredibly cruel and demonic things to others throughout our existence. We are again facing demoinic persecution, and tribulation like the world has never seen, and you need to prepare your soul for the coming trials and tests. Judgment is here now!

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