Thursday, April 20, 2023

A Changed America

 Have you ever wondered if our country could return to the America we once knew as a kid? As a kid, I was unaware of all the issues children face today. I knew I was a boy and could quickly identify who the girls were. There was no issue with gender identity. I understood the gender roles of boys and girls. Boys were faster and more robust than girls. No one expected girls to outperform boys. All of that has changed. We see boys who want to be girls and girls who want to be boys. 

 I grew up not knowing I had "white privilege." I worked for a neighbor farmer from the age of ten until I graduated from high school. Often the money I earned was given to my parents to help pay the bills. I was never told being white gave me advantages over other races. I picked tomatoes alongside migrant workers, getting paid the same. I wish someone had told me about "white privilege." 

 There was a time when there was a significant difference between the two political parties. Today our two-party system has no political solution since the GOP only occupies the right wing of a shared bird that is forever flying to the left. What does it matter if Republicans are "better than the Democrats!" when they are all part of the same bird? The only difference is the Republicans are moving slower than the Democrats. As George Wallace said in the 1960s, "There is not a dimes worth of difference between the two." 

 Once in America, criminals were held accountable for their crimes. Today, criminals are granted rights and privileges based on perceived grievances denied to them according to some superficial criteria. 

We have watched in recent years where the criminal element in a community destroy the livelihood of hard-working people. Our property and businesses can be closed and seized by elected officials who disagree with our religious or political beliefs. 

 We have watched the history of our country rewritten, distorted, and our historical monuments destroyed by those who hate America. 

In Indiana, we have watched our Republican governor issue mandates and decrees without rational scientific, economic, or legal basis. Moreover, he did not adhere to the same rules he mandated and enforced under the threat of arrest. 

 We have watched mayors punish the law-abiding while cowering before the criminal elements of society. Our judicial system protects the guilty while crushing the innocent with all the power of unjust laws. 

 We have allowed politicians, technocrats, and bureaucrats to censor, marginalize, and ostracize in the public and private spheres for not championing evil as good and good as evil. Our political, judicial, or economic systems have no checks and balances. An unholy alliance between these three segments of society forms a bulwark that allows for no questioning or redress. 

 In Indiana, we watched as our religious Liberty was trampled upon, our churches locked down as "non-essential," and our deeply held convictions were banned as "hate speech." All the while, our Governor considered taverns, liquor stores, and Planned Parenthood as essential. 

 Our families endure never-ending attacks and an uncertain future from the constant upheaval of random interference and overreach. Our children are denied their education, regular interaction with relatives and friends, and every hallmark of childhood itself. Children were denied access to their grandparents, who died alone in hospitals and nursing homes. 

It can be said that we live in a generation where people will love only themselves and money. They are proud and boast about themselves. They abuse others with insults. They will not obey their parents. They are ungrateful and against all that is pleasing to God. They have no love for others and will refuse to forgive anyone. They will talk about others to hurt them and have no self-control. They are cruel and hate what is good. People turn against their friends. They do foolish things without thinking and are so proud of themselves. Instead of loving God, they will love pleasure. 

To answer my question, I do not think America will ever return to the country I knew as a boy. We have passed the line in the sand drawn by the Word of God. 

Psalm 9:17 KJV 

The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God. 

 America is currently experiencing the wrath of God, yet many people are clueless. God's wrath can be either active or passive. Let me distinguish between the active and the passive wrath of God. Vivid demonstrations of God's active wrath are seen in the Old Testament and throughout the Book of Revelation. When God unleashes His active wrath, it is stunning and explosive (e.g., fire and brimstone rain down from the sky). However, when God reveals His passive anger, He does not need to do anything but step back and allow us to experience the ultimate self-destructive results of sin. 

We are plagued by angry atheists who are determined to remove every vestige of God from public display.  

 "God is slow to anger." (Joel 2:13). However, when a nation rejects God, He will eventually leave that nation too. America is defiantly shaking its collective fist in the face of God. It is only logical to conclude that God will soon give this nation up to the control of people having depraved, corrupt, and morally worthless mindsWe are dangerously close to being overrun by hell-bound reprobates. 

So, what does a nation look like when it has been given up to people having depraved minds? According to Romans 1:29-31, it is filled with unrighteousness, wickedness, and greed. Further, it is filled with envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. The people are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. They invent ways of doing evil and are disobedient to their parents. They are senseless, faithless, and heartless and show no mercy. That sounds a lot like the America we see on the daily news. We are getting dangerously close to the climax of God's passive wrath in America. 

It is time for the American Christian to repent and turn to God.

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