Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What 2013 May Bring-- An Observation

As 2012 ended there are several things that stand out to make it an exceptional year: the presidential election, the drought in the Mid-West, the high unemployment, the large number of foreclosures, the continuation of the war in Afghanistan, the murder of four Americans and the cover-up by the CIA and State Department, the murder of twenty children in Newtown, Connecticut and who could not forget the Mayan apocalypse.  However, there were some things that did not happen, the world did not come to an end, the Church was not raptured, the dollar did not collapse, the oceans did not rise to flood coastal cities, and World War III did not happen. Maybe not a great year but it could have been worse.

With 2013 changing the calendar there are a few things that I feel will be happening that will change the economic and spiritual condition in America.  I am not saying I can see the future I am only making an educated observation of the condition of things that are happening now and many will agree that if there is not a change of direction the conditions may even become worse than now.

First, the economic condition of this country will continue down the road of ruin.  The leaders of this country do not have the moral courage to deal with our financial crisis. They have over-extended the national credit and weakened the dollar and this will be reflected in the stock market as it drops below the 2008 levels.

The Survivalist Preppers may not be as paranoid as they are made out to be.  They remind us that it was not raining when Noah was building the Ark.  The overall attitude of the country will be not to trust the government but rather fear the control they have over every aspect of our lives.  Confidence in the political leaders will be at an all-time low.  As the political promises fail and more and more families are hit with unemployment, foreclosures, and the inability to take care of their families the unrest in this country will be scary.  The number of home invasions, car-jackings and robberies will increase.  The fear created by the threat to take away guns has already caused a run on gun stores.  Preparing for the worst may not be a bad idea.  As Solomon stated, "A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences" Proverbs 22:3

As personal safety becomes an issue, more parents will remove their children from public school and homeschool them.  In a survey as why parents were homeschooling the reason that was most frequently cited as being applicable was concern about the environment of other schools including safety, drugs, or negative peer pressure. Eighty-five percent of homeschooled students were being homeschooled, in part, because of their parents’ concern about the environment of other schools. The next two reasons for homeschooling most frequently cited as applicable were to provide religious or moral instruction (72 percent) and dissatisfaction with academic instruction at other schools (68 percent). http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2006/homeschool/parentsreasons.asp

With the latest mass murders taking place in Newtown, Connecticut parents are fearful for their children.  The number of bully incidents that public schools ignore has increased rather than decreased.  Violence in the public school will continue to increase rather than decrease. 

As new laws are passed legalizing the possession or use of marijuana the Federal government will start backing off and proposals to allow individuals to grow marijuana and hemp will be push through Congress.  The ground work will start in 2013 for this change.

As the freedoms of Americans are slowly being removed the government and big corporations will push to put more controls on the Internet.  National security will be used as the reason to control the Internet.   The Internet poses a huge threat to full government control of information. If you can control the media you can control the people.  This has been witnessed in Iran and China as they both have put restrictions on the Internet.  Our government cannot wait to put a stop to the free flow of information and will use whatever "crisis" they can conjure up to "shut down" your access to what is really happening.  2013 will be the year to place government control on the Internet.

It would be foolish to say that the price of food will remain stable.  As food price increases more of the spendable income will go towards food.  The full impact of the 2012 summer drought won't be felt until this year as the cost of meat jumps do to the higher feed cost, eggs will go up grains, fruits, and vegetables will continue to rise.  With the extreme swings in weather the prices could be even higher.  Maybe it is time to go back to gardens and canning.  It worked for my parents.

As food prices are climbing weekly the area taken for granted in this country that will have the greatest jump in cost will be clean water.  Water managers are concerned about the shortage of clean water—even without a drought the consequence may be severe.  Who would have thought the Great Mississippi would be so low that travel would be restricted?  The government's capacity for building new dams and reservoirs is limited due to its poor financial condition.  Surface water is limited, and groundwater in many states is being depleted faster than it can be replenished.  Local governments are searching for water supplies as the population growth demand more resources.  Many American have never appreciated the fact we have been blessed with clean water in abundance and without restrictions.  2013 will bring more water restriction as the demand for water increases. As we have witnessed extreme storms, droughts, and major climate changes this past year have had a major impact on clean water sources and will continue in 2013.  Learning how to purify water may not be a bad idea. 

As far as the world outlook goes the Muslim Brotherhood will have gained control of the majority of the Middle East.  With the US wanting to bring an end to the Iranian government, a major Middle East confrontation will take place as Iran crosses the "red line" and pushes the nuclear confrontation to a point of no return.  Even with the United States saying they are not setting a "red line" they will realize that nothing will change until a concrete threat is given and then it will be too late.  The end result will be a "justifiable war" on Iran to secure the safety of the world community.  2013 looks like the year to stop the "Iranian nuclear threat."

As the world moves towards a world conflict between the major world powers US and NATO will initiate an armed conflict with Iran which will end with Russian and China becoming involved. The conflict will be over the world's financial systems not a nuclear threat.  If 2013 is the beginning of the conflict the geopolitical structure of the world will change with the US losing its superpower status. The end result of a major world conflict will result in globalization and restructuring of the social culture of the world.  The clock of world destruction is rapidly approaching 12:00 midnight.  It is time for people to stand up as responsible citizens and stop the criminal actions of our government.  Failure to do so may be a failure to save our own life and civilization as we know it.

As the world under goes major changes there will be those within the Church that will call for an invasion of Iran-- all to bring on a war with Russia and China causing Armageddon and the second Coming of Christ and the Rapture of the Church.  2013 will no doubt bring new predictions of the end of the world, the Battle of Armageddon, or some major apocalypse but we are not given to the spirit of fear we are filled with hope knowing that whatever happens in 2013 the LORD will be in control and all will work according to his plan. We cannot forsake the mission of the Church because we are bound by fear but we must proclaim the message of salvation and hope.

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