Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Unprepared For Disaster

In the aftermath of the hurricane, one glaring question remains: why were people unprepared for what happened? Despite being warned days that the storm was coming, many took no heed to the warning. The result? Towns flooded, homes destroyed, and hundreds of lives lost. It's baffling and unacceptable that in this day and age, so many found themselves with no food, water, or power.

The hurricane has flooded towns beyond recognition and left a trail of destruction that could have been mitigated with proper preparation. The reality is stark—when warnings are issued, they must be taken seriously. Ignoring these alerts is not just irresponsible; it's dangerous. We cannot afford to repeat these mistakes. Preparedness is not optional; it's a necessity for survival in times of disaster. It's time to learn from our past mistakes and make the necessary changes.

I feel sorry for the people in the Southern states suffering from the hurricane's damage. I don't understand why some people are stranded without food and water in their homes when they are warned that danger is coming days in advance.

As I read the news about the devastation in the past few days, I am reminded of how many times I have warned people to prepare for disaster. Food, water, and power are three things you should have stored and ready for at all times. It is not just a suggestion—it's a necessity.

Here is what frustrates me: Christians tell me that the LORD will care for them, that the Lord will supply all their needs, and that they are not worried about hurricanes, tornados, snow, and ice storms. Yet, when these things happen, they are asking for help from those who took the time and money to prepare. This reliance on divine intervention without practical action is not just irresponsible; it's dangerous.

Preparation isn't a lack of faith; it's wisdom in action. The Bible speaks of preparedness—think of Joseph storing grain during seven years of plenty to survive seven years of famine. By taking steps now to ensure you have adequate food, water, and power sources like generators or solar panels, you honor your faith and your responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Take your time when disaster strikes to realize how unprepared you are. Take action today—stock up on essential supplies. When catastrophe hits, being prepared can mean the difference between survival and tragedy.

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