Thursday, September 26, 2024

Get Ready For A Fight

 Pick up your sword and shield, for the devil is out to kill anyone he can. He prowls like a roaring lion, devouring whoever stands in his way. This is not a time for complacency; this is a battlefield, not a recreation room. It is a fight, not a game. Your spiritual life is at stake.

This spiritual warfare is about to reach a new level of chaos. The stakes have never been higher, and the enemy has never been more relentless. Now more than ever, standing firm in your faith and being vigilant in your actions is crucial. The time for passive observation has passed—it's time to engage actively in this battle.

Arm yourself with the truth and fortify your spirit because the adversary will stop at nothing to sow discord and destruction. Remember, this isn't just about survival; it's about victory over an insidious force that seeks to undermine everything you hold sacred.

It is time to stop division and strife. Forgiveness is the Key to Harmony.

If you think someone, a fellow Christian, is upset with you, go to that person and make it right. Stop acting like the victim and solve the problem. This isn't just a suggestion; it's a mandate for anyone who claims to follow Christ. If you cannot forgive, then you are not forgiven by God. It's that simple. Holding onto grudges and resentments only serves to distance yourself from His grace.

Furthermore, if you will not forgive, stop calling yourself a follower of Christ. It's time to face reality: You are being influenced by the devil when you harbor unforgiveness in your heart. True followers of Christ understand that forgiveness is non-negotiable. It's not about condoning wrong actions but about freeing your soul from the chains of bitterness.

So take action now—seek out those you've wronged or those who have wronged you, and make peace. Only then can true harmony be restored in your life and community, reflecting the love and mercy that Christ exemplifies for us all.

Prepare yourselves; the war on Christians demands unwavering resolve and unyielding courage. Stand tall, fight fiercely, and let no one falter under the weight of this monumental struggle.

There is no salvation in either political party. The illusion that any political candidate will bring us back to normal is just that—an illusion. The forces of evil are in control, and judgment is upon us. We are at a crossroads where those who stand for righteousness will be persecuted without mercy. This has become a life-and-death war against the forces of evil.

We must face the stark reality: our society is under siege, and complacency is not an option. The time for passive observation has passed; action is imperative. We must unite and take a stand, knowing the risks involved. This fight transcends politics—preserving the essence of good against an overwhelming tide of hostility.

The stakes have never been higher, and neutrality equates to complicity. Choose your side wisely because this battle will define our future. In this war, there can be no bystanders; you are either with righteousness or you succumb to the forces seeking to destroy it.

It is imperative to examine your spiritual life with vigilance and unwavering commitment. In today's world, where deceit and falsehoods abound, testing the spirits and exercising discernment is crucial. Do not be swayed by those who masquerade as Christians but lack genuine faith. Separate yourself from the false Christian influences that can lead you astray.

Moreover, you must speak out against sin boldly. Silence in the face of wrongdoing only perpetuates its existence. Stop supporting and condoning sinful organizations that compromise your values and beliefs. Your allegiance should lie with righteousness, not convenience or societal pressure.

Finally, prioritize taking care of the household of faith. Your community of believers depends on your strength, guidance, and support. By fostering a robust spiritual environment, you ensure that true faith flourishes amidst adversity. Remember, a strong spiritual life demands action—evaluate yours today without hesitation or excuse.

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