Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Was I Wrong Ten Years Ago?

 Today, there is growing concern about the potential for a conflict between the United States and Russia, with reports of Russian submarines near the U.S. coast. Tensions have risen due to the U.S. involvement in Ukraine, and there are warnings of the potential for a conflict between Ukraine and Russia to escalate into a broader conflict involving NATO.

Back in 2014, I wrote this in my blog---

Some may be tired of my ranting about what is happening in the U.S. and worldwide.  I feel like Jeremiah when he was told to go down to the king’s palace and give a message to all those in Jerusalem.  That message was to do what is right and fair.  Protect those who have been robbed; don’t do anything to harm the orphans and widows.  Don’t kill innocent people.  If they would only do these few things, God would bless them.  But if they didn’t obey these few commandments, then the LORD promised with an oath in his name that he would destroy everything until it was nothing but a pile of rocks.

I am not sharing my rantings; I want to rant.  I have a responsibility to give the message from the LORD.  The LORD has said it will be awful for the shepherd (spiritual leader) who provides the wrong message.  During Jeremiah's time, the shepherds destroyed the sheep (the people) and made them turn to the LORD.  The LORD made the shepherds responsible for the message and blamed them for not caring for the sheep.  The LORD promised to punish the shepherds for the evil things they did and said that they would be replaced with new shepherds who would watch over the sheep.

So, if my ranting bothers you, don’t read it. However, I will not be silenced because I am not politically correct on some issues that need to be addressed and brought to light. We live in a time when people are uninformed about what is happening in our communities, our state and federal government, and within the very walls of the church. I feel a personal obligation to share what is happening all around us.

Every day, the news is about Russia and its criminal actions and how the U.S. needs to intervene. I received this email from Senator Dan Coats about how he would intervene.

On Wednesday, I introduced a resolution to support the territorial integrity of Ukraine and to condemn recent Russian military aggression. The resolution proposes sanctions and other measures to compel Russia to withdraw from the Ukrainian region of Crimea.

I intend to contribute new, meaningful ideas for President Obama to consider as a solid response to Russia’s military invasion of a neighbor. The proposals are designed to isolate Russia and would inflict real pain on Putin and Russian interests. Some of these ideas can be accomplished unilaterally, while others require us to lead our allies toward broader agreement.

My resolution seeks to isolate and punish Russia by calling for:

  • Expelling Russia from the G-8;
  • Suspending operation of the Russia-NATO Council and expelling Russian representation;
  • Downgrading U.S. diplomatic representation;
  • Closing two U.S. Consulates General;
  • Requiring Russia to take reciprocal steps to close Consulates it has in the U.S.;
  • Expanding significantly the application of the Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act;
  • Calling on FIFA to reconsider its decision to place World Cup 2018 matches in Russia and
  • Suspending eligibility of Russians for seasonal work visas.

Can I ask why we are so bent on going to war with Russia?  Our elected leaders have their finger on the trigger and are ready to act without having all the information, or maybe they do have the information and are hiding the real reason we need to intervene.  First, let me say that Russia did not invade Crimea.  Russia has an agreement with Crimea to use their port.  This was verified by our own CIA director, John Brennan when he told lawmakers that a 1997 treaty between Russia and Ukraine allows up to 25,000 Russian troops in the vital Crimea region, so Russia may not consider its recent troop movements to be an invasion.

So why would my senator want to punish Russia?  I have stretched my tolerance to its limit and am tired of Washington’s lies.  I am also tired of hearing the news media following the talking points of those who are no more than warmongers.  

How soon do we forget that we were involved in Egypt with our elected leaders telling us how great this would be for the Egyptian people and that the Muslim Brotherhood was no more than a secular organization that wanted democracy?  So how did that work out?

We got involved in Libya by overthrowing the government, and it is now run by Islamist militias who took the lives of four Americans.  Had it not been for the outcry from the American people who were informed, we would have been in the middle of Syria.  Our government leaders tried to hide the fact that the U.S. government was supporting thefreedom fighterswho were no more than paid mercenaries with ties to the enemy we were fighting in Afghanistan.

Now that we know we are reducing troops and pulling out of Afghanistan, the warmongers need another enemy to fight—enter Russia.  How did this international conflict come about?  Who are the movers behind the scenes who have pushed the world to the brink of war?

This conflict in Ukraine did not start in the past few months; it has been planned for several years.  The multimillion-dollar campaign to destabilize Ukraine is an attempt to thwart the efforts of Russia in Syria.  This is all due to the calculated efforts of the meddlers in the U.S., EU, Israel, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).  This meddling is Washington's way of spreadingdemocracy.”  Washington gave support to the new government of Ukraine by getting rid of the democratically elected government because President Yanukovych would not sign the agreement with the E.U.  So, Washington initiated the violent demonstrations and allowed theprotestersto take control.  Washington's support of theprotestersis no different than the support they gave to al Qaeda terrorist groups in Syria.  

What I find interesting about those who want to go to war with Russia and teach them a lesson is that every one of them will profit at the expense of the American taxpayer.  The very ones who will benefit from this conflict are the same who are presently profiting from the war in Afghanistan.   

The conflict in Ukraine is no more than a calculated effort to weaken Putin’s New Russia, which will open the door for Israel to defeat Syria and move forward with the gas and oil pipeline through Syria, which Israel considers essential.  This will never happen as long as Ukraine is accessible from the E.U.

The conflicts taking place in Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, and Iran are all about the control of the oil and gas in that region.  Meyer Rothschild said,Give me control of a country's money, and I care not who makes her laws.”  In the present conflicts, the control of money is found in the control of gas and oil.  If Russia controls the central portion of the energy to Europe, there will be a financial shift in those who control the money.  As long as Russia is the leading energy supplier, the international profiteers will not have control.  

 American citizens, we need to understand if Russia reduces economic dependency on the United States over the Ukraine crisis, the American financial system will no doubt crash.  Americans must stop being so gullible and realize our existence is in jeopardy.

If WE, THE PEOPLE, continue in our ignorance and gullibility, we put the entire world at risk. The message that Washington is trying to get American citizens to accept is that Russia is in the wrong.  John Kerry said in an interview with NBC,You just don’t invade another country on phony pretext to assert your interest.”   Did he forget the U.S. invasion of Iran, Afghanistan, and Libya, which resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths and caused millions to flee to other countries?  Has he forgotten the wasted dollars these wars have cost the American taxpayer?  Sometimes, the actions of those in Washington can only be expressed as follows: What are they thinking?


The hypocritical and utterly dishonest statements coming out of the Obama administration and propagated by the news media leave one stunned by the unbelievable nonsense of our elected leaders.  

Just as it was on the day of Jeremiah, the prophet, America is going down the road of destruction.  The LORD promised Judah that he would bring something terrible to them, something so dreadful that they could not escape.  They would cry out to the LORD, but he would not hear them.  The people chose not to serve the LORD, so he told them to cry out to their idols when the terrible disaster came.  There will be suffering, but the LORD will not hear their cries. 

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