Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Getting Ahead of the Holy Spirit

 One of my pet peeves is people who see others' faults and flaws and want to fix them. I have found that often, these are the same faults and imperfections they have in their own lives. Jesus acknowledged this in this statement:

Why do you look at the [insignificant] speck in your brother's eye but do not notice and acknowledge the [egregious] log in your eye?

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into the trap of becoming a "Fixer." We see conflicts, relationship issues, and the myriad problems life throws at us and instinctively rush to solve them ourselves. But rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to work out these conflicts, we often create more turmoil. By taking matters into our own hands, we generate more conflict, exacerbate issues, and sometimes cause damage beyond repair.

This approach is not only counterproductive but also spiritually detrimental. We must step back and allow the Holy Spirit to work. Trusting in His divine wisdom means recognizing that some battles are not ours to fight alone. When we relinquish control and let the Holy Spirit guide us through life's challenges, we pave the way for proper resolution and healing.

I often use the story of William Penn and George Fox to illustrate the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit to work.

When William Penn began attending the meetings of the Society of Friends, he continued to dress in fashionable attire. He even carried a sword, as was customary among men of his standing. Seeking advice from George Fox, he inquired about the appropriateness of his attire, referencing the necessity of his sword as mentioned in the teachings of Christ. Fox advised Penn to continue wearing the sword for as long as possible. Subsequently, when they met again, and Penn was without the sword, he informed Fox that he had followed his counsel. This anecdote underscores the early Friends' emphasis on personal conviction guided by divine truth rather than conformity to external opinions.

Getting ahead of the Holy Spirit is a common pitfall that well-meaning people often fall into. They see a conflict, problem, or fault and believe they answer all life's conflicts. This mindset is not only misguided but also counterproductive.

The Holy Spirit continues to work within us, enabling us to believe in the Gospel and purifying our hearts through faith. However, the Holy Spirit does not work independently of us, nor does He control or compel us through physical force. He is a "free Spirit" who preserves our moral freedom instead of overriding our faculties and qualifying them for rational use. He shows us the truth and reforms us through His influence. All of this requires our active participation. He works within us or through us, as the words may signify. As long as we withhold our abilities from Him as instruments of action, He is not working to save us.

So, step back next time you feel compelled to jump in and fix something. Reflect on whether you're genuinely being called to act or just ahead of yourself—and, more importantly, ahead of the Holy Spirit.

It's time to stop being a Fixer. Let's acknowledge our limitations and put our faith where it belongs—in the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Only then can we hope for genuine peace and lasting solutions.

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