Thursday, September 19, 2024

Prepare Now

 The Parable of the Ten Virgins is a powerful lesson that demands our attention. In this story, all ten virgins professed to be waiting for the bridegroom. They all had lamps and they all heard the cry announcing his arrival. However, here's where the critical distinction lies: while five of them were wise enough to bring extra oil, five foolishly ran out.

This parable underscores an essential truth: mere profession and outward appearances are not enough. All were asleep when the call came, but only those who had prepared adequately made it to the wedding. The five who had oil in their lamps were welcomed into the feast, while those who ran out of oil found themselves shut out.

The message is clear and uncompromising—preparedness is non-negotiable. It's not enough to simply carry a lamp; you must also ensure it has sufficient oil. This parable serves as a stern reminder that vigilance and preparation are crucial if we wish to be ready when the critical moment arrives. Only those who are truly prepared will gain entry into the celebration, leaving no room for complacency or half-hearted efforts.

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