Saturday, March 5, 2011

What Happened to America Being a Christian Nation?

America is a nation that was established on Christian principles with a common language—English.  Our country has defined borders and within our borders we have a culture that includes traditions like Christmas and Easter and Thanksgiving, values and beliefs that are based upon the principles of Christianity.   

Our history is one of internal conflict to gain freedom for all.  It has been violent and often denying the very principles of our foundation to the people of this nation.  Yet, in our struggle for freedom we have become the economic and military leader in the world.  We have prospered as a nation because men and women had the freedom and liberty to create, to innovate and be productive and worship God.  This has made us not only the envy of the world but hated by the world as well.  What has kept America great has been its Christian heritage.  There is not one aspect of our country that was not influenced by Christianity.  The early educational system was founded by Christians.  The Constitution and Bill of Rights was influenced by Christian values.  The prison system was reformed by Christians.  Everything good about this country came about because of Christianity.  Our way of life has been blessed because we have honored God.

Today there is a battle being waged by those who hate Christ and the truth contained in the Bible. The anti-Christians continue to depersonalize and minimizes Christians. Depersonalization makes it easier for people to accept negative stereotypes and in the extreme, tolerate abuse and persecution of the people who have been depersonalized. Nero did this with the Christians and Hitler did it with the Jews.  The sad story of history is very few spoke against these atrocities, in fact the majority of people supported the actions of these two evil men.

When America allowed the progressive socialist, subversives and criminals to change the Christian principles of our county we lost our identity as a nation.  Today the most important people in our country are the most nonproductive in our society-- actors, entertainers, sports figures and news anchors-- we have lost the way of freedom and liberty.  We have forgotten God.  The destruction of Christianity has not happened over night but it has been subtle and over time, as more and more tolerance for the subversive messages was ingrained into our children through TV and movies, by politicians, by actors and sport figures who have became more and more abrasive and bold in their subversive messages until we have completely forgot our Christian heritage.

America was at one time exclusively Christian and Christian values were shared in our schools, clubs, state houses and other public places without fear or concern for offending anybody. And, non-Christian Americans always knew that they too, were free to worship in any way which they wanted as long as their worship and teachings were not teachings of violence and overthrowing the government.

What makes our destruction so inevitable is that Christian churches have joined in with those who would destroy this nation and Christianity.  Several years ago it would have been unheard of for Christian ministers and churches to be used for subversion or corruption.  In the early 1960’s churches changed the message of Jesus Christ to the doctrine of the progressive socialist.  We are now more concerned about tolerance than truth.  The greatest enemy of our nation is not those who are on the outside but the enemy within. Today's evangelical circles are complacently apostate, completely silent regarding the evils plaguing America. It is tragic. All across America ministers are selling books and hosting pastor's conventions, but they are virtually silent concerning the evil of our society.  Ministers are no longer contending for the Christian faith by exposing false doctrines, and crying aloud against the evil of our time. Ministers have become so complacent in their calling to serve Jesus Christ that they will avoid a confrontation with the evil which exist in our country today.  They are more concerned about position in the world than power with God. Where are the ministers who have made war on evil?  The new profession today is religion. If you want to make millions get in religion. Ministers are focused on making money rather than confronting the evil in this country.  The multi-millionaires of today are found among the ministers of Christianity.  If the money was removed there would be very few “Christian Ministries” in America. 

We have used our education system to become the channel to remove God from our county as we head down the road of destruction. The government education system teaches subversion and immorality openly at earlier and earlier ages thereby undermining family values, Christian principles, and morality in general, while at the same time alienating them from their parents and church.  The lessons our children are being taught is the total dependency on others to care for them, as they have not learned how to take care of themselves.  We have not been preparing our children to be self-sufficient and productive adults with the academic skills necessary to pursue work, higher education, vocational schools, or whatever occupational pursuit they chose.  They have become a generation of entitled citizens.  The entitlements have comes from the government school system labeling our children as “disabled”.  The disability entitlements is supported by parents, school administrator and students advocates because they all get government money.  The children are lost in the shuffle in this government run Ponzi scheme.  It is important to place more children on the disability roles.  As an educator for 30 years I have witnessed this scam first hand.  Our children before they are ever given the chance to develop their true abilities, talents, skills or interest are often classed as disabled for whatever reason that seems justified by the powers that be.  Often these children are legally drugged to make the needed change.  There is too much money to be made by the government, the school systems, the pharmaceutical companies, the doctors, and even the parents.  What makes this so sad is the children are lost in the shuffle and continue to go through life believing that he or she is disabled and become dependent on the government for their every need, and the ignorant parents go along with it because they believe the experts at their child’s school ( did I say ignorant? I should have said misinformed-- sorry for not being politically correct).  Since it is the role of the government to take care of the children and also to  provide a disability check to the family while they are still in school all will be well.  It is important not to forget children are no longer instructed in Christian principles at school.  They are being taught to look to the government for the needs of life and not to God.  So we are now reaping what we have sown.  What can we expect from the next generation that will lead not only our government but our churches as well.  This is the result of having censored our public officials teachers, elected representatives and judges of expressing their faith in public-- a generation of young people growing up with very little understanding of the spiritual principles on which our country was founded.   Our culture has taught them that right and wrong are arbitrary - subjective - changing.  A generation that does not know God.

What will it take to wake up the American Christians? Our tallest buildings have been toppled. Our shorelines have been polluted with oil, major U.S. cities has been flooded, earthquakes are occurring in swarms and dead birds are falling from the sky in the hundreds. Our financial systems have been bankrupted while our economy has been kept afloat only by the government printing more money and stealing the wealth from common people. God is shaking our world trying to wake us up!  These are the judgments of God on a wicked nation.  We cannot sit by and think God is going to save us from all this because we are Born Again.  

The day of judgment is near, and the time is now to contend for the faith. I don’t mean to take up arms; I mean we need to pick up the pen--which is mightier than the sword. We need to come together as Christians, and spread the Gospel like you have never done before. This can still be done while we have the right of free speech and the freedom to talk to your neighbor and anyone else willing to listen.   But be ready to be called judgmental, arrogant, narrow-minded, ignorant and old fashioned-- these are all part of the effort to marginalize and demoralize the true followers of Jesus Christ.  If the world hated Jesus it sure will hate use.

The frustrating thing is that those who are attacking religion claim they are doing it in the name of tolerance, freedom, and open-mindedness. Question: Isn't the real truth that they are intolerant of religion? They refuse to tolerate its importance in our lives. - Ronald Reagan

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