Saturday, July 16, 2011

In Defense of Christianity

Almost every day Christianity comes under fire from those who for whatever reason find it offensive.  Yet, where would society be today without the influence of Christianity?  It might come as a shock to some but the largest single provider of healthcare and education in the world, working in some of the poorest countries where there is no other care available is provided by Christians.

One of the oldest organizations to protect the rights of children around the world is Save the Children.  This organization was founded by Eglantyne Jebb a Christian whose impact has been worldwide.  The Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted by the League of Nations.    She also pioneered the Child Sponsorship program.

Another advocate for children was Thomas John Barnardo who founded the world’s largest orphanage system  Barnardo was preparing to become a medical missionary in China, he studied medicine at the London hospital, and later at Paris and Edinburgh, where he became a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. During the time he was preparing for his missionary work in China he did evangelical work where he became aware of the seriousness of homeless children in the cities of England. He gave up his ambition to lead a missionary's life in China, and began what was to prove his life’s work. The first of the "Dr Barnardo’s Homes" was opened in 1870 at the time of his death in 1905, there were established 112 district homes and mission branches.

There are others who were advocates for the rights of the young.  Men like Richard Oastler who helped bring about the English Factory reform bill.  Passionate Christian women like Joseph Butler who became a key advocated in social reform for the age of consent to be set.  She was not only a vehement feminist but a passionate Christian; she once said "God and one woman make a majority". 

It was from the compassion and concern for the elderly and disabled that during the 10th century that Almshouses were established.  They were the forerunner of the nursing homes and hospitals.

The Quakers pioneered prison reform during the 1600’s.  Prison Fellowship International a Quaker organization works around the globe in prisons to help reform and rehabilitate prisoners.  Also, there are many other Christian prison ministries working to change the lives of prisoners.  

Christians are more likely to voluntary for community service than non-Christians.  In research done earlier this year it was found that 81% of evangelical Christians do some kind of voluntary work at least once a month. This compares with a much lower figure of 26% for the population at large. The level of community engagement is influenced not only by faith, but by how seriously faith is taken. The research also showed that those who consider their faith to be the most important thing in their life undertake an average of two hours' volunteering each week, compared with an average of one hour 15 minutes by those who do not consider their faith to be the most important thing in their life. Eighty-six per cent of evangelicals voted in the last general election, compared with 65% in the population at large. Forty per cent of worship-attending Americans volunteer regularly to help the poor and elderly, compared with 15% of Americans who never attend services. Frequent-attenders are also more likely than the never-attenders to volunteer for school and youth programs (36% v 15%), a neighborhood or civic group (26% v 13%), and for healthcare (21% v 13%).  

I could add to this every growing list men like Louis Braille who on his deathbed said, “God was pleased to hold before my eyes the dazzling splendors of eternal hope…”  His system is now used on a worldwide basis.  There are compassionate women like Rose Hawthorne Lathrop who created the first homes/treatment centers for cancer patients in the US.

We could speak about the great success of the Salvation Army in caring for the poor and the aid given during devastating disasters. Another Christian organization, Habitat for Humanity, one of the largest charities in the US which internationally provides housing for the poor. We could add to this list the YMCA, World Vision and the Samaritans Purse.

 In the area of education men like Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel who laid the foundation for modern education based on the recognition that children have unique needs and capabilities. He developed the concept of the “kindergarten”, and also coined the word now used in German and English or, Mary Lyon who was a pioneer for the education of women. We add to the education list men like Frank Laubach a committed Christian and pioneer of world literacy.   Known as the “Apostle to the Illiterates” the programs he developed have been used to teach about 60 million people to read their own language.  It is often forgotten but out of the initial 110 universities started in the US, 100 had Christian foundations.  

In the field of science men like Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, Johannes Kepler, Blaise Pascal,  Gregor Mendel, and George Washington Carver are just a few of the hundreds of Christians who have help to change this world for the better.

More often than not, those who criticize Christianity, never focus on what good has been accomplished by devoted Christians.  The critics who dwell on the failure of the Church, thinking this will tie our hands and make us crawl into a dark corner however, they fail to understand the reason behind our motivation.  It is what we have found in our salvation that drives us to do the will of God.  When a true picture of the impact of Christianity upon world societies and cultures is viewed in its proper perspective, it is a startling revelation of contrast between the other religions of the world and the secular ideologies of the anti-Christian. 

For those who choose to continue to criticize Christians show me your contributions to the betterment of mankind.  It’s a put-up or shut-up invitation.  I am fully aware of the history of Christianity and its many shortcomings, but if we are talking about perfection where are the perfect? We are called to do our reasonable service that is all we can do.  There will always be those within Church that will have questionable actions that will bring disgrace to the cause of Christ but, we cannot stop because of an imperfect Church.  We must carry on the work of Jesus Christ regardless of our critics.

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