Friday, November 25, 2011

Career Politician--Student of Niccolo Machiavelli

This week there has been some discussion on the last blog about Christians in politics.  I understand the skepticism of those who view the political process as corrupt and believe that if you are involved in the political process you cannot help but become corrupt yourself.  I agree that the political process has lost it intent to serve the people when one becomes a career politician.  A career politician is only concerned with one thing and that is gaining power and control over the people that they are sworn in to represent.  I may be mistaken in my observation but there is a vast difference between a career politician and a statesman.  

The career politician has based their politics on the Italian philosopher named Niccolo Machiavelli.   He is known for outlining a ruthless strategy for seizing and holding political power. There were three step used in his quest for taking power from the people: 1.) never show humility, 2.) arrogance is more effective when dealing with others, and 3.) Morality and ethics are for the weak, therefore resulting in the freedom to lie, cheat, and deceive to suit their own interest. 

As I look over the individuals who have been elected to serve the people I find these basic steps of seizing power from the people being used daily in many of our elected officials.  They are willing to manipulate the people for their own purpose.  How were these people elected?  Well, first off, they say what they think the people want to hear so that they can gain the votes that will get them into office. Then, once in office, they forget what they said to the people and start pushing their own agenda.  The problem is once elected; the people do not hold them accountable for what they said. What should happen in the next election is to vote them out—fire them!

Our country is full of career politicians who have adopted Machiavellianism as their method of deception. They convince voters that they have their interests at heart.  During the campaign process they seem to wax most eloquent when they are pointing out the flaws of those they are campaigning against.  Rather than stick to the issues that need to be addressed, they focus on personalities and avoid telling us what they believe should be done.  If a politician fails to answer the question he or she is without question a career politician. 

To change this “we the people” must hold the career politician accountable for their actions.  When you hear statements like “we must pass the bill to find out what is in it,” is Machiavellianism at its best.  This is the action of a cold-blooded, deceitful manipulating career politician.  This is the characteristic of a person who has only their interests at heart.

If we are to change the current trend in politics we must stand up and change what is happening.  That means we must put people in office that will put terms limits on the office, eliminate retirement from the office, be held to an ethical code of conduct, be open and transparent in their actions and accountable to the voters.  If we cannot demand these from our politicians then we must live with Machiavellian politics.

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