Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stupidity The American Curse

This week I will be taking part in a “Meet The Candidates” program at the Sugar Creek Art Center here in my hometown.  I feel it is important to know who we put in office.  Even though I may not vote for those who are voted in, I still want to know what they believe.  

I, along with many other Americans spend a great deal of time finding fault with our political leaders, and there is certainly a lot to find fault about, but it’s not the political leaders that’s the only problem in America, it’s the people who fail to exercise their right to vote.  A non-vote is a vote for those who are in office now.  But then I can understand why there are so few who actually vote.  All over America, people are going crazy with stupidity.   Every day on the news the stupidity of the American public is announced, and I keep asking, how they can be so stupid.  America has to be cursed with stupidity.  Maybe it is from all the genetically modified foods we have been consuming.  Whatever the case, we are suffering from the devastating disease of stupidity.  (Yes I know I should not use the “S” word.)

I agree it would be nice if we could change the present political leadership in this country from the top down, but that will not change the problems of our nation, our problems run much deeper than the present administration in Washington D.C.  The moral decay that has plagued our country for the past forty years has reached into every area of our society.  As a nation we are a people who every year cares less and less for the rights of others.  We brag that we are the ‘greatest nation in the world” and our house is falling down around us.  From local government to federal government there is corruption.  

This week I watched the GSA videos and wondered how stupid these government workers are to have posted on the Internet their disdain for the American taxpayer.  If this is not evidence of stupidity (sorry mental illness) I don’t know what else it can be called.  

America has become a sad, delusional old man that can't even think straight anymore.  The evidence of our mental illness is everywhere.  It is a sad time in America when some of the biggest criminals are the very lawmakers of our country.  The political scandals from both parties are an embarrassment to the American voters.  How often have we heard someone say, “To think I voted for that crook”. 

Only in America do we allow our political leaders to pass laws that allow people to be molested, embarrassed, fondled, groped and scanned under the guise of National Security.  How many times has “security” personnel at airports, who are paid by taxpayer dollars, to protect us from “terrorist” been arrested for stealing, charged with lewdness with a child and even accused of rape?  Almost every month we hear of another crime committed by these “security” people and we keeping giving them more money, this is the height of stupidity.   We stick our heads in the sand and give up another freedom.  What has happened to our common sense?

Our government leaders are so concerned with National Security that they have subcontracted security technology to a foreign country.  After all we know if the government is involved it will be a mess.  So how’s this for security? One foreign country has access to  all FAA and NORAD encryption codes - through RSA, controls security at all major US airports - through ICTS, has access to records of 90% of US private telephone companies - through Amdocs, has control of the financial market software and post-9/11 FBI wiretapping technology - through Comverse, controls the software used by all key federal governmental agencies, including the U.S. Army, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Naval Air Command, Congress, the Department of Energy, the Internal Revenue Service, NATO, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service and even the White House - through Ptech this country is-- Israel.  Some of these companies actually use programmer from China to program our security systems!  So how secure are we?  Oh by the way just so you will sleep better at night know this, our government has National Security as a number one priority, the U.S. military is buying huge amounts of electronic parts from a very close ally—China. How stupid can we get?

Here is another sign of our national stupidity. During the Presidential Debates the issue of condoms and birth control seemed to be more important to the moderators than jobs, economy, the collapse of the housing market and the number of unemployed Americans.  What is wrong with the news media?  Where did these idiots go to college? I understand that sex sells but during a Presidential Debate—give me a break.  Although, maybe I am missing the greater picture in America, since children are exposed to enormous amounts of sexual material on television, iPads, computers, cell phones and movies these days we could feel safer if they had some kind of birth control when they act out what they see daily in our sexualized society. After all, we wouldn’t want to damage their self-esteem, or deny them the life changing experience by restricting them from acting out what they see on a daily basis and by the way-- the number of unwed teenage mothers is on the rise.

My big fear is as I look around and see the apathy of many Americans about who will run our country, that I join the ranks of the unconcerned.  The world is not getting better it is becoming more evil by the day.  The level of evil seems to grow in quantum leaps every year.  Every day there are those who tell us that we will soon be the gods of this world controlling our own destiny and live in a Matrix utopia where everyone has taken the blue pill.  

America is quickly approaching the destination of those who lived during the time of Noah.  We have been conditioned to accept the lie that we can become gods and solve the problems of mankind.  This will never happen.  You ask why?  Because we a blinded by stupidity.  Our only HOPE is found in the LORD and the only CHANGE that matters is the change of our hearts and minds toward the Creator who will make us a new creation through Jesus Christ our LORD.

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