Thursday, November 1, 2012

Two Commanders- David and Barack

This is a story of a commander-in-chief who should have been leading his troops in battle, but he remained in the capitol and ended up committing adultery with the wife of one of his soldiers.  It was later reported to him that the woman became pregnant.  If something wasn’t done his political career would be ended.  He did not want to lose the respect of the citizens and soldiers so he devised a plan to cover-up his actions.

The commander called the solider home hope he would spend time with his wife and think the child was his and everything would be fine and only a few would know what really took place.  Sounds like a good plan except the solider didn’t go home and spend time with his wife.  He was a dedicated solider and told the commander he could not go home when his friends were fighting on the front line.

Time was running out and the commander was becoming desperate to have the soldier killed.  So he sent a message to a general on the front lines and ordered the solider to be put on the front line where the fighting would be sure to end with the loss of his life.  The general carried out the orders and when the fighting became fiercest he put all the men back except the soldier who the commander want killed.  The soldier was killed and the commander’s secret was safe with his general.  To everyone around and back home the death of the soldier was just another war casualty.

What made this incident strange were the actions of the general.  The whole battle looked reckless and unplanned which would have reflected on the commander and would result in failure and several casualties making people question his competence. The general however, made sure that the commander knew that the soldier who he placed in such a dangerous position was dead and everything went as planned.  The commander informed the general not to be upset over the loss of a few soldiers just make sure you win the next battle.  If you lost a few good men you would have lost them sooner or later due to the nature of war.

The commander-in-chief thought that this was over and done with but there was one problem—the LORD knew what had taken place and would not allow this commander’s sin to go unpunished he should have known the proverb-- be sure your sin will find you out.
This is the story of David and Uriah.  This is a story that has been repeated throughout the course of American history.  Wicked leaders have lied to the American public for years and covered up murder and treason without the guilty being held accountable.   Here is short refresher course on American history to show how our leaders have lied to us and have thrown people under the bus.  

Here is a list of historical events that have been surrounded by lies:  Pearl Harbor, Korea, Vietnam, the Gary Frances Powers U-2 shoot-down over Russia, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Watergate break-in, the Iran-Contra scandal,  the invasion of Iraq, the hunt for al Qaeda in Afghanistan and now Benghazi.  Can we as Americans continue to blindly believe the present administration is not lying to us about what has happened in Libya?  

Here is another history lesson.  In 1978 after secret negotiations the United States, Egypt and Israel established a treaty that separated Egypt from the rest of the Middle East.  Egypt was suspended from the Arab League for the next ten years.  The United State rewarded Egypt with over $1 billion in U.S. aid on an annual basis.  But this did not satisfy the Muslim fundamentalist.  The prime minister resigned, the Arab League expelled Egypt, and diplomatic ties with Arab countries were severed.  The economy of Egypt was crumbling and the opposition to Sadat was growing.  The fear in the United States was Egypt was about to become another Iran.  Egypt was on the brink of a Muslim fundamentalist revolution and this had to be stopped.

Then in 1981 a major change came to Egypt—Sadat was assassinated.  American leadership throws him under the bus. The daughter of Sadat has for years made allegation that Hosni Mubarak was part of the plot to assassinate her father.  What is interesting about this plot is the military precision in which it was carried out.  By an "amazing" coincidence, several supersonic Mirage jets happened to be flying overhead, distracting everyone in the reviewing stands and drowning out the machine gun fire, just as the four assassin soldier launched their attack. Sadat's personal bodyguards did virtually nothing to stop the attack. This allowed one of the assassins to actually reach the granite wall, stand on tiptoes, and fire down onto Sadat's body with his machine gun.

The successor was none other than Hosni Mubarak.  He declared in a televised speech several hours after the assassination that "all treaties and charters" would be honored which meant that the Camp David Accords would not be repudiated. Furthermore, Egypt somehow managed not to fall into the hands of religious zealots. Eventually, Arab ambassadors returned to Cairo, and in 1989, Egypt was welcomed back into the Arab League.

With Egypt out of the picture a power vacuum was created in the Middle East.  That power vacuum was filled by Saddam Hussein in 1979.   By 1980 Iraq invaded Iran. With the support of the Arab states, the United States, and Europe, and heavily financed by the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, Saddam Hussein had become "the defender of the Arab world" against a revolutionary Iran.  Saddam was praised as an agent of the civilized world even though he had a blatant disregard of international law and violations of international borders were ignored. Instead Iraq received economic and military support from its allies, who conveniently overlooked Saddam's use of chemical warfare against the Kurds and the Iranians and Iraq's efforts to develop nuclear weapons.  During this period the Reagan Administration gave Saddam over $40 billion dollars basically to keep him from forming an alliance with the Soviet Union.

By 1990 Saddam was making claims against Kuwaiti for slant drilling.  Saddam complained to the U.S. State department about the border dispute with Kuwait.  The State Department was giving conflicting information about how the U.S. would respond to an invasion of Kuwait.  Under the impression that the U.S. would not take a position on the Iraq-Kuwait boundary dispute Saddam sent troops into Kuwait.  Washington was not pleased and communication broke down with Iraq.  The end result was the Soviet Union gave support to Saddam providing arms and aid.

After Saddam's seizure of Kuwait in August 1990, a UN coalition led by the United States drove Iraq's troops from Kuwait in February 1991. The ability for Saddam Hussein to pursue such military aggression was from a "military machine paid for in large part by the tens of billions of dollars Kuwait and the Gulf states had poured into Iraq and the weapons and technology provided by the Soviet Union, Germany, and France. 

On March 6, 1991 President Herbert Walker Bush announced:  “What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea—a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in a common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind: peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law.”

Just as Egypt was heading in a direction where fundamentalist were gaining control the United State could not allow Iraq to do the same so Saddam had to be dealt with. An alliance with several countries was formed to invade Iraq.  By 2006 Saddam was no more and Iraq was no longer a threat-- American leadership throws him under the bus.

But a greater threat was on the horizon—the Muslim Brotherhood.  A political revolution started in Egypt with the overthrow of none other than the one who guaranteed the Peace Accord of 1978-- Hosni Mubarak!   American leadership throws him under the bus.   

Today, Baghdad is in chaos, Amman and the King of Jordon, the PLO, Beirut, Syria and even Gaza are falling to the fundamentalist under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood. The American public is being feed a daily diet of the Muslim world being on the verge of democracy.  But the reality is the Islamic world is falling into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood with the support of the present American administration.

During the debates Biden gave an insight into how the President is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood to take over Syria.  Biden admits in a roundabout way that America is backing the Muslim Brotherhood to take over Syria.  Assad has been thrown under the bus by the present administration.

Some background research on the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood will show they have assassinated government officials, carried out bombings of government buildings, made attempts to assassinate the President of Syria and massacre of eighty-three unarmed Alawite cadets at an artillery school. In 1980, the Assad government issued a Law making membership or association with the Muslim Brotherhood a crime punishable by death.  President Bashar Assad faces an insurgency that is reportedly being coordinated in part by Muslim Brotherhood-allied groups. 

Since the Muslim Brotherhood can no longer work openly inside Syria and it leadership in exile they need to forge an alliance with those who would push for democracy in Syria.  The message of the Muslim Brotherhood has gained the approval of the present American administration.  From the President down to the lowest level of the State Department they have bought the lie of the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Brotherhood is calling for a pluralistic, democratic society ruled by the principles of justice and equality.  Who are they kidding?  All we need to do is look at Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan even Iraq which has falling under the influence of the Brotherhood and where is democracy?

This week the Secretary of State Clinton has stated it is time to broaden our alliances with other groups to bring about the downfall of Assad.  What is unknown by many Americans is that Syria has a large supply of chemical weapons that will fall into the hands of whoever controls Syria.  If the Brotherhood gains control, the entire region will become a powder keg of uncertainty.  Is our Secretary of State who bungled Benghazi to be trusted to make agreements with other alliances to bring about the fall of Assad?  I think not!

Twenty-two days after the tragedy in Benghazi, a confused government just points fingers at the various agencies.  The president tells us he gave clear directives to make sure of the safety of our personnel—but nothing happened.  The secretary of defense argues that he knew too little to send in military forces to save the post—but watched as a drone sent back video of what was happening. The secretary of state takes the blame for what happened—but did not resign for her incompetence.  We have been told that on three occasions they were denied help—but no one has come forward to admit who gave the order to stand down.  Since there are no answers coming from those who know what happened, many have speculated, that this one of the largest cover-up in decades.

The story sound much like the one recorded in the Bible about David and Uriah.  From a surface look, it seems the president wanted the ambassador killed.  Was he about to tell the world the truth of America’s role in the overthrow of Middle East countries by supplying rebels with arms?  Or, was this a double-cross gone wrong and the ambassador’s death a message to the administration not to mess with the Brotherhood?  Why did the president allow the ambassador and three others to be murdered?  Did the leaders of the administration actual watch the death of the four Americans without so much as effort to stop the murders?  History shows our leaders have no problem throwing people under the bus.  The callous manner in which our president acted after knowing what had taken place is inexcusable. Will this go down as just another incident where the government lies to the people and no one goes to jail?  Probably.  Regardless how the pundits spin this, the Commander-in-Chief in this story is incompetent and as a leader is weak and cowardly and should know his sins will find him out.

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