Sunday, September 1, 2013

America Stay Out of Syria

The prophet Jeremiah saw the future destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, after he had warned the people to mend their ways they continued down the road of destruction.  After the death of Josiah the people reverted to idolatry and spiritual depravity and the loss of their moral standard.  Very few enjoyed the message of Jeremiah and his warning that the direction the country was going would result in judgment of God.   The end result-judgment came and Jeremiah was right.

The message today is one that many do not want to hear but it is important that it be given.  I am not a prophet but understand how Jeremiah felt when everyone thought he was the enemy.   I know there are those who don't want to see these posts or hear any facts, but putting your head in the sand doesn't help anything but the subjugation of America to Muslim Brotherhood, jihadists, terrorists and the global elitist who are manipulating all parties involved in the conflicts around the world. Progressive don't want this information shared because it keeps them successful in bullying and manipulating Americans, but the truth has a way of getting out.  I have chosen to share the information to try and educate my friends about the progressives and neocons and their threat to American freedom.  It is not a Republican or Democrat agenda that we should be concerned about it is the survival of freedom as we know it today.  There are those in both political parties who have sold their power and influence to those who would destroy this country.

The American people have allowed our government to shape public opinion with its false morality of protecting the innocent from a morally corrupt leader or providing humanitarian aid to an oppressed people or fighting terror as excuse to become involved in that country’s problems.    Americans bought into the WMD argument to go into Iraq.  We justified the war in Afghanistan by going after Osama.  We justify the drone attacks on the Pakistani people by killing al-Qaida leaders.  In every case we killed vast numbers of people.   In Iraq over 600,000 have been killed, some have this number exceeding one million.  In 2012 the number of Iraqi children under 18 who had lost one or both parents was between 800,000 and one million.   

The Christians in Iraq were one of the oldest surviving communities in the world.  They totaled about 1,500,000 in 2003.  By 2010 people were stopped on the street and asked for identity cards if they had Christian names they were shot on the spot. Christians were legitimate targets.  This was happening while the United States military was occupying Iraq.  Persecution was so terrible that half of the Christian population fled to Syria.  I find it odd that Christians would go to a country we are now ready to bomb because Assad is so wicked.  What do they know we do not?

How did American involvement make it better for the people in Iraq?  We destroyed their homes, hospitals, schools and infrastructure, in the end the very people we were fighting in Afghanistan are now taking over Iraq.  We destroyed a nation on the pretense of bringing democracy to the oppressed people of Iraq.  In reality they were better off under Saddam Hussein.  

Under the democratically-elected government that now oversees the war-torn nation, branches of the Muslim Brotherhood are free to operate.  This is a by-product of the war; there is a decline in tolerance for other religions.  This is not only in Iraq but other countries where the US government has been involved in bringing democracy.  Al Qaeda has been strategically targeting Iraqi Christians - even issuing a warning to all Christians to leave the country.
Only one Catholic Church remains in Afghanistan, and it must be heavily protected. In Egypt and Libya, where demonstrators overthrew dictators in recent years, Christians have come under heavy persecution.  It is clear that where the US government has been involved with terrorist organizations mainly the Muslim Brotherhood and the result of this unholy alliance- Christians are dying.

The impact of the US going into Syria will no doubt create an economic burden on the American taxpayer.  The additional cost of war will increase the debt, raise the price of oil and put Americans in greater danger around the world.  That is not to count the number of lives lost, families destroyed, and number of children made orphans by our actions.  How can we justify a war against a nation that has done nothing to us?  How can we bomb a country that has not declared war on us?  This is a conflict between Syria and the Muslim Brotherhood not Syria and the United States.  If we remove Assad from power, just as we did Saddam Husssein, who will replace him?  The Muslim Brotherhood has tried for years to remove Assad and has failed; will the United Stated be the bully arm of the Brotherhood to do what they could not do? 

Just as Christians in Iraq fled to Syria because of the al Qaeda jihadist, Syrian Christians are again fleeing their homes.  Christians in Syria have not been spared from the violence; in fact they have been targeted by the rebels.  Syria has become a dangerous place for Christians who have been given the ultimatum to leave; this threat is echoed daily by the mosques.  Christians have expressed concerns over who will take over the country once Assad is removed from office.  When the Muslim Brotherhood takes over Syria Christians will again be murdered in the streets and driven from their homes.  Who will speak for them?

Here is a letter from a Syrian Mother sent to she makes her case why we should stay out of Syria.

“I am Syrian and a mother since about 2 years, this proxy war installed by the USA and her western, Turkish and Arab lackeys, is devastating my homeland and killing my people. I have lost several friends. Your mercenaries shot at me and I got wounded. Some days ago, my daughter, aged 15, said, it was better we’d die now rather than suffering the rest of our lifetime as she expects this war won’t end. What shall I say to her, at the eve of a huge war to come? That life can be nice, in case the greedy US-Imperialism would allow you to live? Can you really imagine how life is for a 15 years old teenager seeing bodies in the streets and destruction and displaced people and hearing the shells of the terrorists exploding and the cries of the wounded and the noise of grenades and shooting all day, 24/7????? …with all due respect, in all your words I do not see any concern about the lives of Syrian women, children and men which are threatened and taken away here by your mercenaries of al-Qaeda. Don’t we count? Are we worthless? And, please, Sir! do not name Assad that negatively, recognizing that even your CIA had to admit (and reported it) that he has the utter loyalty of about 70 percent of the Syrian people – how much support can Obama gain in the USA? So are we Syrians dumb to follow a ‘dictator’?   No – we are united with our families, friends, our sons and husbands serving in our army to DEFEND our homeland.  Every US-American would do the same if the USA was attacked. And we stand with our president as we realized he does his duty to defend his people. You do not need to be a fan of someone in order to be fair. Apart from that, I am optimistic that we Syrians already have won the war against you – by all evidence of high moral, dignity and the persistent will to defend our nation. We Syrians show the world that resistance against the Evil can work and in any case will help you to preserve your dignity. Apart from that, I am optimistic that we Syrians already have won the war against you – by all evidence of high moral, dignity and the persistent will to defend our nation. We Syrians show the world that resistance against the Evil can work and in any case will help you to preserve your dignity. So, by telling you all this, I just want you to know that Syria is defending not only her homeland and her families but all the values that make her. If we Syrians loose our values, our history, our civilization, we were dead. You can kill us all but you will never see us kneeling in front of you.  Regards from a Syrian female, mother, patriot (temporarily staying in Europe)

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