Sunday, July 5, 2015


One of my granddaughters asked if I was going to say anything about what took place in America during the past few weeks. I didn’t think I would but here is my rant for the week.

 The Supreme Court and Congress made decisions that will forever change America. It is frustrating that many leaders in America fail to see the simple truth that these changes are not for the good. What is happening at the local, state and national level is an erosion of our rights and freedom in the name of equality, safety, and political correctness. HAVE THEY NOT READ HISTORY?

Our constitutional freedoms are slowly eroding, in some cases, quickly being taken away faster than we can do anything about it. President Barack Obama told us he was going to change America, and in fact he is doing just that. He is not the cause for the direction our country is going.

  People seem to be unmoved by the direction our country is going. Some are glad that we are rushing to ruin. After all, Jesus will not come back until evil has reached its peak. There are those who rejoice that we are coming to the end of the age. Their hope is in the idea that Christ will Rapture them out of all the misery the world is going to experience. These people are so heavenly minded, they are of no earthly value. I really don’t blame the LGBT people for the change in the marriage laws—I blame Christians. Christians put President Barack Obama in office. You might say, I didn’t vote so don’t blame me. Really? Then who am I to blame?

Over nine million evangelical Christians were registered but did not vote. But we're not talking about one vote. We're talking about one voice and one mind - the collective vote of millions of like-minded people of faith who stay away from the polls each year. Keep this in mind, 75% of all Christians do not exercise their convictions at the polls. If every Christians would register to vote and then support Christians values our country would not be where we are today. If you failed to vote you are part of the problem. If you ignore the political process and allow evil to prevail you are part of the problem. Don’t blame those who took an active part in securing their rights—even if we disagree with them. After all they valued their position enough to support it at the polls and in the political process.

In 1774, our founding fathers wrote this in the Journal of the Continental Congress: "It is an indispensable duty which we owe to God, our country, ourselves and posterity, by all lawful ways and means in our power to maintain, defend and preserve these civil and religious rights and liberties for which many of our fathers fought, bled and died, and to hand them down entire to future generations."

Let’s not forget that our nation has been going down this road for the past fifty years. This week is less of a turning point, it is an arrival at the destination to which we were driving all along. I, along with others have been lamenting the loss of Christian values in America but, Christians have tolerated sin for years. We have ignored the corruption within the church. We have allowed corrupt and evil men to change the laws, take away our freedoms, and lead us down a path of destruction.

Christians who have avoided their witness against evil are the reason our country is in the spiritual condition of lacking power and authority. Jesus said, we are the salt of the earth, but if the salt have lost its savor, it is good for nothing, but to be trampled on. We are being trampled on because we are no longer the salt, light and witness we were called to be.

What I find interesting is that those who are winning the moral war in America, have no problem standing up for what they believe. They have no problem offending those who do not accept their beliefs. They have no problem pushing their agenda in the courts. What are Christians standing around waiting to happen before we act?

It is the time to decide exactly what we are willing to sacrifice in favor of Biblical faithfulness. We need to decide right now what we will do once real persecution of Christians starts. To what lengths will we allow .ourselves to go in order to protect our 501 (c)3 status? Or to avoid a costly lawsuit because we refuse to obey the law? In the earliest days of the Christian church, the apostles were bold enough to practice civil disobedience when duty to country and duty to God conflicted. “We ought to obey God rather than men,” they said (Acts 4:29). I trust we have the courage to do the same? I pray that I will have the courage, to do what is right, when called to suffer for the cause of Christ.

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