Thursday, October 8, 2020

Masks, Lockdowns and Tyrants

  I read a post of those who are fanatical about requiring others to wear a mask.  No one seems to care about the science that surgical masks cannot stop the virus.  If the mask works, why six feet separation?  If the mask and distancing works, why lockdowns?

Since COVID-19 first began circulating within the United States, public health officials have known that those with underlying medical conditions face higher risks for severe illness and death if they contract the disease. A recent report from the CDC appears to make the point with impressive numbers, showing that 94% of U.S. deaths involving COVID-19 since February were also associated with other conditions or comorbidities.  Meaning 6% of the total 200,000 died from COVID-19 alone!  Yet, the MSM and tyrant governors still use the 200,000 number instead of the actual number.

I am not sure why there is such an emphasis on wearing a mask when we should strengthen the immune system against the virus.  Several experts have reported that vitamin C and D3 and zinc and NAC maintained the immune system against the virus.  How hard would it be to encourage people to protect their immune system?

I cannot understand why elected government officials have become mask bullies.  The masks people are wearing are not N95 masks and thereby do not prevent inhalation and exhalation of the virus.  Some medical professionals have concluded that the masks harm and are no good.  It borders on criminal to force children to wear a mask all day.  The skin around the nose, mouth, and chin — the places covered by a face mask — is very delicate.  One thing we're seeing more often these days is perioral dermatitis, a condition similar to rosacea.  People with perioral dermatitis have recurring bouts of a red, bumpy rash around their mouth and chin. The area around the eyes can be affected, too.  How long will we force the wearing of a mask that is only physiological protection?  

Many people have been unemployed since the shut down took place in the early spring.  As more information comes available, we see that the argument for another lockdown based on a second wave is based on increased testing using a test that produces false positives.  A test that experts know to be unreliable is the basis for the effort to renew the lockdown, mandate vaccination, and wear ineffectual masks to keep the fear alive.  The critical number is not how many have the virus, but how many die from the virus alone.

I do not believe the virus is a hoax, but the government tyrants make people question the virus's seriousness.  Those telling us to wear a mask are seen in public without a mask.  Is this virus a "smart virus" knowing the difference between those required to wear a mask and those making the rules?  Could this be only a tool to condition the public to accept control measures and reduce freedom and liberty? 

I have talked with medical people who wear only a surgical mask, and they know a surgical mask will not stop the spread of the virus. No one is wearing an N95 mask!  So why are medical people wearing a surgical mask? Wearing the mask is to reassure the patients that they are safe.

Add to the mandate to wear a mask is the forced lockdowns being used to control the virus.  The lockdowns did not stop the spread of the virus.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention pandemic planning documents state non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing are ineffective once a disease infects 1% of a region's population. The literature on this subject is unanimous worldwide. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control:

"There are no historical observations or scientific studies that support the confinement by quarantine of groups of possibly infected people for extended periods to slow the spread. It is hard to imagine that measures like those within the category of social distancing would not have some positive impact by reducing the transmission of human respiratory infection. However, the evidence base supporting each individual measure is often weak."

I would agree COVID is dangerous, so is the flu, cancer, heart disease, and pneumonia can carry a death sentence.  Life is dangerous.  Why wreck the economy and civil liberty over this one danger, significantly as the threat has been exaggerated?  Hardly anyone has died from COVID except people with comorbidities.  These deaths are concentrated in the older age groups for the simple reason that the longer a person lives, the more morbidity the person has accumulated by poor health habits such as diet, smoking, alcohol, and lack of exercise.  These are the same morbidities that result in flu deaths.

Could it be that masks and lockdowns are as dangerous as the virus?  We don't want to talk about the 16,000 death caused by the lockdown.  The heart attacks and strokes that were not treated. The cancer treatments stopped entirely.

This means that at least as many people have died due to the draconian actions taken to combat COVID as have been killed by the virus itself. This has been a slow-motion stampede, where the elderly – in particular – were trampled to death.

Less than 1% of America's population lives in long-term care facilities, but as of October 1, 2020, this tiny fraction of the country accounts for 41% of US COVID-19 deaths.

Case in point, New York.  New York's coronavirus death toll in nursing homes, already among the nation's highest, could be a significant undercount. Unlike every other state with major outbreaks, New York only counts residents who died on nursing home property and not those who were transported to hospitals and died there.

That statistic could add thousands to the state's official care home death toll of just over 6,600. But so far, the administration of Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo has refused to divulge the number, leading to speculation the state is manipulating the figures to make it appear it is doing better than other states and making a tragic situation less dire.

The government locked down in fear. Governors killed tens of thousands unnecessarily, in fear. They crippled the economy and left millions in fear of their livelihoods. Their actions trapped abused women and children at home with their abusers. These tyrants have wiped out thousands of companies and crushed entire industries.

Governors and mayors left millions in prolonged pain and suffering, on emergency waiting lists, which have doubled. There have also been tens of thousands of delayed cancer diagnoses – the effects of which are yet to be seen.

Lockdown can be seen as a complete and utter disaster. And it was all based on the claim that COVID was going to kill one percent. A claim that can now be seen to be wholly and utterly wrong. Sweden, which did not lockdown, has had a death rate of 0.0058 percent.

Americans need to recover from their gullibility.  Too many Americans believe the presstitutes and believe pubic authorities. Also, few Americans understand that every crisis, real or manufactured, is an opportunity for an interest group's profit and power.   This virus will not be gone after the election, as some believe.  There is too much money to be made off this virus.  Big Pharma has invested millions in making this profitable.

I have resolved not to vote for anyone who calls for a lockdown, who will close any business or church and mandates orders as if they are the law.

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