Monday, January 17, 2022

Believing A Lie

  I have lost count of how many times the CDC and the fascist Lord Fauci have changed the rules. First, the "vaccination would protect you!" Then you need a booster to be fully vaccinated." Then, "we might have multiple boosters." 

They even went as far as to change the definition of fully vaccinated to include the "booster!"  You need a booster to be fully vaccinated.

Now, we see they no longer even claim that the fully vaxxed are protected, just that if they catch Covid, the symptoms may be milder. You may still die, but it won't be as bad.

Through it, liberals, the media, Hollywood's so-called celebrities have all mimicked every word, every argument, without mention of the changes, or the outright Covid lies the media, the CDC, and Fauci himself have publicly pushed onto the public for over two years.

If that isn't brain dead or seriously mentally handicapped, what is? 

Those who think the media is trying to "inform" or "help" by pushing misinformation are deceived. Even after witnessing proof and documentation of the media pushing "fake news,"  people continue to believe the lies. What happened to "my body, my right"? Have we lost the ability to think for ourselves? When did Americans become so gullible that they could not question the manipulators?

Where is the outrage over the lies, the common sense questions about constantly changing the rules, and the simple ability to think for ourselves? When did Americans become so stupid?

What astounds me is the number of Christians who, without question, make a decision based on lies. Christians claim to follow the truth. Yet, when the lies have been exposed, they continue to make decisions based on lies. We are living in the days of Noah, and the spirit of the Antichrist is working overtime to destroy the Children of the LORD.  Satan has conditioned many Christians to accept his plan without question. Who would have thought that taking a shot would one day determine if you could buy, sell, travel or work? Who would have thought that your religious beliefs would be investigated based on your vaccinated status?

If it was easy to convince Christians to follow the lies concerning their health, how easy will it be to persuade them to accept the lies concerning their spiritual health? How easy will it be to deny the LORD when faced with death?

It is vital to the success of your Christian journey that you surrender your whole life to the LORD. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit will we be able to face the coming chaos that each faithful believer will confront in the coming days.

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