Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Our Greatest Danger

There is no greater danger than a country run by the Synagogue of Satan. These minions of Satan have misdirected the people with entertainment and sports. It is the politics of Rome. The government hand-outs and the political promises that things will be better have distracted most Americans. They have been deceived into thinking that all is well.

Do not think for one minute that what has happened in the past three years has not been a planned action. The mandated injections, the forced lockdowns, the aggressive government-implemented censorship, the dubious presidential elections, the burning of food processing plants, the derailing of trains, the attacks on the power grid, the BLM-Antifa riots, the drag queen shows for schoolchildren, the crazy focus on gender issues, and glitzy public Jan. 6 show-trials of Congress are no more than random incidents occurring spontaneously during a period of significant social change. They are, in fact, evidence of a stealthily orchestrated operation conducted by agents of the Synagogue of Satan acting on his behalf. We already know that the FBI, the DOJ, and the intel agencies were directly involved in Russiagate –a covert attack on the past president of the United States. So, the question is not "whether" these agencies are actively engaged in other acts of treason but, instead, to what extent these acts impact the lives of ordinary Americans, our politics, and the country. Who are these people, and what is their fate? 

Since the 1960s, what has looked like a dysfunctional government has been a highly organized operation of disinformation carried out by distracting and disingenuous politics by Republicans and Democrats. 

In the past two years, we have witnessed a  government run by rapists, thieves, child abusers, traitors, thugs, and cold-blooded murderers who control the American people through force and oppression.

The people elected by the American people to provide leadership are the greatest threat to our freedoms. These elected officials are a menace to life, liberty, and the well-being of the American public.

The same behind-the-scenes political power remains regardless of which party is in office. They have divided the people of America with gender identity, race, equality, politics, climate, and even health, education, and religious issues. As we are busy fighting each other, there is no hope for a unified front to defeat the tyranny destroying our nation and the world.

The same elected officials have forced us to surrender our freedoms and those of our children and grandchildren to a group of extortionists, money launderers, and professional thieves. Whatever you may think, most elected politicians are no friend to freedom.

You are deceived if you think you can change what is happening in our country. Think briefly about the penalties for civil disobedience, whistleblowing, protesting, and rebellion--jail! You will go to jail if you refuse to pay taxes for government programs you believe are immoral or illegal. You will go to jail if you attempt to overthrow the government—or any agency thereof—because you think it has overstepped its reach. You will go to jail if you attempt to blow the whistle on government misconduct. In some circumstances, if you even try to approach your elected representative to voice your discontent, you can be arrested and jailed.

American voters have elected people who feel superior to the rest of the population. From the moment they took office, these politicians have operated with self-interest. They act not as public servants but as agents of corporations and, in some cases, foreign governments.
When our politicians violate the laws of the Constitution, we no longer have a government "of the people, by the people and for the people."

Most will not understand that we are in a spiritual war will Satan and that he is daily gaining control of every aspect of our lives. The only hope we have is secure our salvation in Jesus Christ. Christians should know we are in spiritual warfare against the Synagogue of Satan and that our weapons are not physical but spiritual. 

If you are content to sit back and watch your reality TV, sports teams, and the political talking heads, you should be ready to accept the consequences of what is happening around you. If you are not content with what is happening, you should take the time to warn your friends and family that judgment is coming, and they should prepare their souls for the coming events.

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