Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Israeli Border Security-Fact or Myth?

 Israel is renowned for its world-leading technology in advanced border surveillance. With cutting-edge innovations and expertise, Israel has established itself as a frontrunner in border security.

With state-of-the-art technology, Israel has developed sophisticated systems and solutions to effectively monitor and secure its borders. These advancements include advanced surveillance cameras, sensors, drones, and intelligent software that enable real-time monitoring and analysis of potential threats.

The country's commitment to border security is evident in its continuous investment in research and development. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics, Israel has enhanced its ability to detect intrusions, identify suspicious activities, and respond swiftly to potential risks.

The success of Israeli border surveillance technology extends beyond its borders. Many countries worldwide have recognized the value of Israeli expertise and have adopted or sought collaboration with Israeli companies for their own security needs.

In summary, Israel's advanced border surveillance technology stands at the forefront globally. Its commitment to innovation has positioned it as a leader in securing borders through cutting-edge solutions that leverage artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies.

So, I would ask how a group of Palestinians with pickup trucks and ultralight planes kill hundreds of Israelis and take 200 hostages for seven hours, going undetected by the most advanced border technologies in the world.

Another question I would ask is why the Israeli government disarmed the communities along the Gaza border in early September?

What amazes me is that the United States sent warships to help Israel fight against a group of people with pickup trucks, ultralight planes, AK 47s, and a few rockets being knocked out of the sky with the Iron Dome. The people in Gaza do not even have a tank! Many of the people being killed in Gaza are children.

 Is the Israeli army so weak and incompetent that they cannot fight a group of people without the aid of the U.S. government? Have we been led to believe myths about the Israeli soldier? How can Israel go against Iran when they could not defend their border for seven hours against pickup trucks and ultralights?

It makes me wonder if the Israeli government wanted hundreds of their people to die so Gaza could be destroyed and land claimed for the government. What is happening in Gaza seems overkill for the Israeli government and the Biden administration.

I am not a supporter of Hamas or any terrorist organization that kills innocent women and children. That also includes the Israeli and U.S. governments. The killing of innocent children is never acceptable collateral damage. Maybe we need to rethink our support of a nation that kills its people.

My concern is with the number of military-age men crossing our southern border, are we being set up for terrorist attacks in our country? We are already seeing those who sympathize with Hamas protesting in the streets of America. How long will it be before we have terrorists killing innocent children in our country?

We have seen firsthand what an unsecured border has done in Israel; when will it happen here in America?

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