Sunday, April 17, 2022

Sunday Sermon-Resurrection Day 2022

 We have gathered today to celebrate the risen Savior. Over 2000 years ago, Satan thought he had brought an end to the conflict bhim and God. The battle that started with Genesis 3:15 looked like it was over, and Satan had won. But wait, something happened that changed the whole course of human history. Humanity was given the hope that the curse of sin DEATH had been permanently defeated and the head of the serpent had been crushed. Christ was risen from the dead after three days and was alive forevermore.  

 The head of the serpent may have been crushed, but the war was not over. The last battle has been taking place for the past 2000 years, and as we approach the final days of this battle, Satan has unleashed all the forces of hell to bring an end to the creation of God. 

 For years I have been taught that those individuals born in 1948 would be the generation to watch. I am of that generation --July 15, 1948. Bible scholars have said that my generation would not pass away before the LORD returns. The insurance life expectancy of someone born in 1948 is 11.5 years left before this generation is gone. 

 This is based on the statement of Jesus, in Matthew 24, 32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass till all these things are fulfilled. 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. 36 But of that Day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  

 The fig tree represents the nation of Israel. The leaves represent the beginning of the nation in May of 1948. 

 Did you ever think that you would live in the generation that would see the Lord's return? The LAST of the last days? I believe we are near that Day. But first, we must endure some perilous times. Paul wrote to Timothy, "There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; having a form of godliness but denying its power." This describes our modern culture and society very accurately. In other areas of Scripture, we read how people in these last days will be liars, full of deceit, following false gods and worshiping the earth rather than the Creator. We read of sorcery, translated as "pharmakea," (THIS IS WHERE WE GET PHARMACEUTICAL) meaning out-of-control use of mind-altering drugs and poisonous "jabs" — to kill, destroy and steal peoples' minds. 

 Not to mention "a day's wages for a loaf of bread." I cannot say for sure whether the seals of Revelation 6 have been opened, but they certainly seem to be, as world events are rushing now, and falling right into place with biblical prophecy. Yet those who hate God continue in their wickedness, rebellion, and disbelief. Indeed, the New World Order Globalists believe they ARE God. But one Day, every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD.  

 As we read in Revelation 6, starting at verse 15, "And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, 'Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.'" 

FORBES magazine had an article about the elite who are preparing for the final days. They are among the most famous names in the world, from tech billionaires and celebrities to doctors and lawyers and countless corporate titans. They all have one thing in common: outrageous underground bunkers with luxury amenities, including swimming pools, bowling alleys, and gun ranges. 

 Considering the current world crisis due to world events, bunker owners are at code red in preparing their families for at least six months in their bunkers. They are not worried about nuclear wars or asteroid hits at the moment; they are primarily concerned about civil unrest. 

 I think of all those so-called elites who have prepared private, luxurious underground bunkers far beneath the earth and deep inside mountains. They believe they have devised a plan to escape the coming apocalypse they are creating purposely here on earth. Still, when that Great and Terrible Day of the Lord arrives, the Bible tells us in Revelation 9 that they will seek death, long to die, beg God to kill them, but they will not be able to die. 

 America has been governed and run by wicked, deceitful, and demonic people for over a century now. Meanwhile, our Christian heritage and deeply held faith have been steadily eroded, AIDED by so-called "pastors" and "shepherds" who have been steadily growing more cowardly and obedient to the whims of the Synagogue of Satan and servants of the Almighty State rather than Almighty God. Professing Christians in America are living carnal and hedonistic lives, viewing their "faith" as nothing more than a "get-out-of-hell-free-card" — but that "card" is as worthless as the paper money in their wallets. And the blame for this can be laid squarely at the feet of those cowardly shepherds, fearful of losing their popularity among the people, should they dare learn about and then speak the truth. They prefer to remain ignorant, and they like their people not to ask tough questions. 

We are engaged in a spiritual battle. Those of us clinging to some semblance of what was good and decent in our traditions are losing that battle. We cannot contend with hi-def screens and super-cool talking heads, transmitting an entirely different message. About everything. A pro-death, anti-liberty message. Those of us who still value life, who think all life is sacred, can’t coexist with the monsters being created. They loathe the concept of God, and they loathe us for trying to resist corruption.  

For several years I have been warning that we are at the End of Days. While we sit around and debate the nature of current trends, evil is advancing, and the thought of returning to the old normal will not happen. It is time to act in the light of things already in motion seriously and put aside the idea," It cannot happen here." Most of it already has happened, and many are too blind to see the danger we are facing. 

Having been aware of the effort for a one-world government for well over fifty years, it's alarming—downright disturbing— to see the things predicted for decades starting to take shape. During my generation, many preachers, authors, and even filmmakers took note, and eschatology became a fad for a time. Movies were made: A Thief in the Night, A Distant Thunder, and others. These were very popular. The "Jesus Movement" was filled with warnings about the coming Anti-Christ. While this movement had many excesses, and probably even more than a few grifters, it molded my thinking about world events concerning Scripture.  

Not only was eschatology in film, but it was also in Christian pop music. the song "I wish we'd all been ready" was popular. While it depicts "rapture" as a theology—something never heard of before 1830—its core message was a warning to be ready to escape the wrath. Interestingly, this fad was not just in Christian pop but in contemporary folk music. Even before the message hit the Christian pop scene, Barry McGuire— who later became a Christian pop artist— created the hit "Eve of Destruction" that rocked the music scene. So powerful was the identification of that generation that McGuire's hit song dominated even the Beatles and all pop "greats" of that era. The song was everywhere, seemingly overnight. Everybody knew it was the truth. 

While most young people in the 1960s were going to rock concerts, the movies, and sporting events, I was going to anti-communist rallies and reading books about Christians being persecuted worldwide. I attended meetings where men like Richard Wurmbrand spoke of his persecution under communist rule. The heard the sister of Castor who escaped from communist Cuba under the control of her brother tell of the evil Castro brought on his people. From Mayron Fagan, I learned about the secret organizations that were destroying the world and moving us to a one-world government. Perhaps all of that was a warning from God to my generation. A notice of things that would not happen in my youth but which I would see when older. Then, it was a common belief that the "rapture" would save us all. While this has proven misinformation, the remaining warnings of impending cataclysmic upheaval are more relevant now than ever before. I had heard about globalists for decades. They now have the tools to force the entire world into a global lockdown, and holding camps, a global Auschwitz. Now, we are on the "Eve of Destruction." It is already happening in Australia, Canada, and other parts of the world. 

The anti-Christ is a spirit, and this spirit has been in the world since the time of the Apostle John. Who is the only writer of the Bible who speaks of the antichrist and identifies what it is. 

For the Germans, Hitler was an "anti-Christ." For the Russians, Stalin was their "anti-Christ." For the Chinese, Mao was the total embodiment of "anti-Christ." For their respective populations, each of these men was everything – every horror, every evil – ever predicted of "The" Anti-Christ. Under such totalitarian leadership, those peoples experienced their own "Great Tribulations" with war, death, famine, and the leveling of cities on a scale America has never experienced. For the Germans, for the Russians, for the Chinese, they have already tasted the fruit of anti-Christ in its fullest measure. 

But let us consider each of those cases of an anti-Christ tyrant trying for world dominion (like Lucifer—"I will ascend") failed. "An" anti-Christ never succeeded in becoming "THE" Anti-Christ. Will we now have our turn as the home of an anti-Christ, perhaps even facilitating the rise of the final "THE" Anti-Christ? With Big Tech, Big Pharma, and our government combine to take total control of our lives, there is a real possibility for the first time in history. If you deny this, you are living in an alternate reality. 

It is no secret that I have, since my youth, studied every conspiracy theory that came down the pike. Interestingly, much of what has been ridiculed as the ridiculous has become a reality. Evil is afoot, and we are losing our predominantly Christian liberties. 

If evil is afoot, it is by God's permission (not man's), and God will make a plan for His people to escape for those who seek and find it. If evil is afoot, then so is God, as where sin abounds, much more does God's Grace. It will not be automatic, but for those seeking and finding the "Secret Place of the Most High." Do not take refuge in your job, finances, or even wavering church leaders. Unlike God, all that will let you down. 

What are the things we don't know? Whether or not this is the final anti-Christ. If you bear with me for a few minutes, let's look at the "signs of the times," we have knowns and unknowns. What do we know? 

The pandemic with its vaccine has created a tool for world domination, whether you believe in its effective or not; the "pandemic" is global, and the "vaccine" is global, and with its implementation comes control. It is especially dangerous that government officials speak about the vaccine in religious terms. 

Our government cannot be trusted: as more and more vaccines are forced, it demonstrates a pronounced hostility by the government. Now that the vaccine has a track record, it is far worse than any previous vaccine in collateral damage. Big Pharm tried to hide the dangers of this vaccine. The MSM and government, along with the medical profession, lied about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Some religious leaders cannot be trusted: whether due to incompetence or being in the tank with the globalists. 

Modern medicine cannot be trusted: The long-standing faith that your doctor can be trusted is now a fantasy. There has been a change. Doctors are saying things, prescribing things they would never have in the past. The reason: they are being strong-armed into following protocols never imagined. The leverage: the fear of "losing their license," without which they will no longer be doctors. 

Many American corporations show an apparent aversion for anything "American" instead we allowed the Chinese to take over the manufacturing of all our goods and have accepted a one-world paradigm. 

Those exercising "emergency" authority (not due process) like our own governor are unwilling to give up their new powers. The more they have, the more they take. 

Whether or not the vaccine is the precursor to the "Mark of the Beast." It might be, it might not be. Of equal concern – are the vaccine passports paving the way for the Mark of the Beast? Few changes of such size and scope happen all at once. 

While we know evil things are coming, how it will affect each area of the country is unknown; it will differ from place to place. This means we cannot assume what is happening with us is happening with all. 

While we can debate current trends', evil is advancing, and returning to the "old normal" will not happen soon. Time to rethink where we are in light of things already in motion and to put aside the comforting thought, "It can't happen here." Most of "it" already has. Consider: we already have experienced church lockdowns, members barred from attending services, and church leaders associating with full-fledged apostates as if they were kin. 

In the long view, we need to make some plans.  

Should we stock up on food? I have for the past three years said YES. At this moment, some supply chains are stretched to cause shortages. To what extent future events will impact the overall food supply is unknown. Those who live in flood or hurricane-prone areas know that having backup supplies is never wrong. Food supplies are the ultimate insurance policy, and there are many options. But just as you can't buy car insurance after your car is wrecked, you won't be able to purchase emergency food supplies when you need them. Like Joseph in Egypt, you must lay up provisions for the famine in advance. It is also good to remember that a parish garden can be an invaluable resource. 

CREATE SACRED SPACE (this is huge): As Christians, we have every tool afforded by God to humanity to ward off the influx of evil. When the plagues of judgment hit Egypt, the Hebrew home was marked as a sacred space with the covenant Blood of the Lamb, keeping evil at bay and saving the firstborn. When the plague hit Israel due to David's sin of numbering the people, the plague was stopped precisely at the "threshing floor" (place of sifting) when David and the elders fell on their faces.  

EVERYTHING about God's plan for man is making space sacred to protect from evil – the heart, the home, the church. This spiritual warfare is the birthright of every Christian. 

Bottom line: In the world of forced vaccinations, pandemics, and economic upheaval, this is, for the Christians, our finest hour. We were made for times like these; we were made so the very gates of Hell cannot conquer us. All we must do is be faithful to the faith. My question is, "Are you ready to wake up and take action? 

No one believed Jesus when he said in three days, he would rise from the dead, but he did.  Many today do not believe it when he said he will come again but he will.  Will you be ready? For centuries, I understand that many have looked at world events around them and wondered if Christ's return was imminent. But this is the first time in the history of the world that the demonic "elite" have been able to subdue and deceive the WHOLE WORLD with their sorceries. They have not hidden their agenda but openly confess to what they are doing. The time is right for the LORD to return, will you be ready? 

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