Thursday, August 4, 2022

1984 or 2022

I feel like a prophet who  has been crying in the street, THE END IS NEAR, and no one is listening. Bible prophecies written thousands of years ago are suddenly becoming unlocked and easier to understand. Predictions have been delivered, opened, and unleashed onto our unsuspecting generation. Prophecies that until now have not made any sense but are now beginning to unravel over time, often with incredible accuracy. 

People understandably have become oblivious to what is happening around them; the first two years of the new decade have drowned us all with a tsunami of distractions and worries!

During the early days of 2020 and the onset of the  pandemic, including the subsequent lockdowns, the vaccine mandate, and a repeated promotion by the government pointing toward a "Great Reset!" And—"let's build back better!" I began to feel uneasy, as if my freedom was systematically being stripped away. We were living in George Orwell's 1984.

Record-breaking geological events have been happening all over the world recently. The record-breaking wildfires, storms, floods, droughts, heatwaves, cold waves, and the unsustainable demise of our animal populations. The devastating disasters our sick world has to endure are here to see. We have been warned thousands of years ago by prophets telling us we are about to face the biggest collapse our world has ever known, and it's happening right now.

Daniel did as he was told, and everything the prophet wrote was sealed, which became a mystery to scholars for thousands of years. Suddenly, that seal was unlocked at the beginning of the 20th century. Daniel's prophecy and many other end-time prophecies began to unfold slowly, and people began to understand. 

What does it take to make you sit up and take notice of the problems surrounding society today? What will it take to make you respond to the many crises today? You have eyes so you can see and ears so you can hear, but for many people, any negative news is a reason to tune out the world and only think good thoughts.

The problems we face continue to pile up, and doing nothing is not an option if you expect to survive the next few years intact. Prior planning and execution of a plan are required to stay out of the flood zone when the dam breaks and everyone starts to drown. It does not matter what kind of person you are. You must be able to save yourself before you can help others, including your family.

You cannot protect your family if you cannot protect yourself from dangerous situations or people. You cannot protect your family if you are too weak from lack of water or food to get others to safety. You cannot protect your family from the elements if you have no cover for them due to the sudden loss of your shelter. 

You have car insurance just in case you have an automobile accident. You have health insurance just in case you get sick. You have life insurance to help your family just in case you die. You have homeowners insurance just in case your home is destroyed. There is unemployment insurance just in case you lose your job.

So, where is your food insurance just in case you cannot find any food in the store? Where is your protection insurance just in case you are threatened and cannot depend on the police? Where is your water insurance just in case your water supply is shut off or becomes contaminated? Where is your communication insurance just in case the power is out and regular systems do not work? Where is your energy insurance just in case energy supplies are cut off, and you need to drive to safety, cook your food or stay warm?

People think the types of insurance for cars, health, home, and life are just fine, but the others listed are crazy and paranoid. Even in the first case, your insurance policies depend on others to fulfill them. Those people rely on a system that is still functioning, such as the banks, communications, and the insurance company itself. So what happens to all those other types of insurance when the insurers are no longer functioning? Any crisis that takes down the stock market, power grid, or banks will also take down all insurance companies.

The past few weeks' events should have been a warning shot across the bow for many. Our financial and distribution systems are in a delicate balancing act right now, and any sudden shifts could send them tumbling off the cliff rendering the services they perform extinct in hours. It will be too late to think about what you should have done when you still had the opportunity. 

You cannot get your money out of the bank after the doors are shut, the ATM is empty, and the systems are no longer working. You cannot get the food you need after the stores have been cleaned out and the distribution system has stopped functioning. You cannot get fuel for your car after the empty gas stations and deliveries have been suspended. You cannot get police help when everyone calls 911 simultaneously, and most of the police have gone home to protect their families.

If your alarm bells have not gone off already, what will it take for you to realize you are in serious trouble? What do you plan to do to protect and care for your family when that happens? Having no plan means having a plan to suffer and persist through unpleasant situations for no good reason. Not knowing something is excusable, but you have been warned many times in the past few years that to suffer in the future because you did not know what was coming is no longer an excuse. Failure to prepare at this time will not only cost you but will likely put an unnecessary burden on those that will have to help you in the future.

So far in this plot to subdue and take over humanity, much has been lost. There is little freedom left, and what there is has been restricted and is constantly monitored because any act of individuality or independence is now viewed as an uprising and is a bane to the state. Mass censorship of any opinion or truth concerning this scam is rampant. Everything of value is being destroyed, and speech has, in most cases, literally disappeared. When the government and its fascist partnered accomplices hide or erase all free speech, what is left is tyranny. Families are being systematically decimated, and the purposeful spread of hatred is promoted at every level of society by the controlled media and the governing gang of criminals. The entirety of this government can only be described as an organized crime but is much more sinister and criminal than any mafia. This is what this pathetic population has created for itself, and blame should be placed on all who continue to worship this nation-state and adhere to its evil demands.

Human nature is on trial today, and for an excellent reason. It is the human that controls his fate. It is the human that allows others to control his thought and actions. It is the human that cowers in the face of adversity. It is the human that worships the state as God. It is the human that acquiesces to the demands of tyrants. It is human that fails to protect the innocent. It is the human that applauds war. It is the human that causes his own and all others' misery.

In conclusion, you may take this to heart or ignore the warnings. You may continue to wallow in indifference. You may run and hide. You may cover your emotionless face with a mask. You may watch your family die in seclusion. You may turn in your neighbors to 'authorities.' You may follow every rule. You may die at the hands of this heinous state. Or you may curse me. I cannot awaken you from your sleep or make you take action to save your soul. Only the power of the Holy Spirit can do that. 

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