Monday, August 22, 2022


 I was asked on Sunday if I was following the war in Ukraine. I have observed Ukraine since 2014, when the war started. Yes, I am keeping my eyes on the events taking place and continue to speakout against U.S. involvement.

So, I am again filling the role of a prophet and crying out against the evil being propagated by the present U.S. government administration. For the past few weeks, the MSM has focused on the Russia-Ukraine war and the shelling of the Zaporozyhe Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine.

That plant was taken over by Russia very early in their Special Military Operation (SMO) to de-militarize and de-Nazify Ukraine.

I will make this disclaimer. I am not a Russian operative. I have no ties to anyone in Russia or Ukraine. I believe the U.S. government has no business being involved in this war. I think the only reason the U.S. government is concerned is to protect a few politicians and their families' financial interests and cover up the bioweapons labs run by the U.S. government.

Back to what is taking place right now, Russia took control of the plant early because if there were any radiation leaks from that plant, local prevailing winds would not only create a deadly threat to Russian troops operating in Ukraine, but the winds could also carry radiation into Russia. Russia does NOT want either of these occurrences. So, how can you buy into the lie it is Russia endangering the world? How often have we heard Russia, Russia, to find out it was a lie?

Russia took control of the plant, continued allowing Ukrainian experts to run the plant, and all was well until about two weeks ago. The Ukraine military begins firing artillery shells toward the plant. The Ukraine government claims that Russia has troops in the plant, and those troops are allegedly carrying out attacks against Ukraine.

Russia denied carrying out any attacks from the plant and demanded that Ukraine cease firing artillery at the plant. Ukraine has NOT stopped. Ever wonder who is controlling the Ukraine President? Why would a President want to damage a nuclear plant that will destroy his nation? (By the way, it will also impact the United States. High radiation will reach the U.S. in about two weeks after a leak occurs.)

More recently, Ukraine has begun publicly claiming it is RUSSIA, firing at its people in that plant to "create a false flag excuse to use Tactical nukes against Ukraine."

Russia has repeatedly and publicly decried the shelling of the plant and has repeatedly and openly warned of a radiation catastrophe if Ukraine continues firing at the plant. 

Russia raised this issue with the U.N. Security Council, and Russia asked the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to come to the plant immediately to see for itself who was firing against the plant.

The U.N. Security Council did precisely nothing. The IAEA responded to Russia, telling them the IAEA may be able to send someone in September. If Ukraine hits a sensitive area of the plant, it could cause a Reactor meltdown and explosion, sending plumes of radiation into the atmosphere into Europe, creating an utter catastrophe. Prevailing winds would carry the radiation to the United States within about two weeks and cover the entire country about four days later.

The war hawks in the U.S. government will not stop until they have destroyed all of Russia. Every step taken by the U.S. and its partners has been designed to escalate the fighting between Ukraine and Russia and create an excuse for NATO to enter that situation.

Ukraine uses Western-supplied weapons to attack a nuclear power plant inside their own country. We have government officials who claim a radiation leak from the plant "that will automatically trigger NATO Article 5 collective self-defense." They would only make this statement to push for more U.S. involvement in the war. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Worse, it is Ukraine attacking the nuclear power plant.

So if a radiation leak occurs, it will have been Ukraine that caused it, not Russia, and it will have been the U.S. and NATO who facilitated it by arming Ukraine!

If you can understand why the Biden administration continues to push for war with Russia, please explain this to me. When Article 5 is invoked, Russia has already told us "it will be a war that no one will win."

The Biden administration is literally out of its mind and trying to start World War 3, which they already know, will be a nuclear war.

 We are all now in grave danger from the actions of our President. The Democrats told us President Trump would get us involved in a nuclear war a few years ago. However, it is a Democrat President that has pushed us to the brink of a nuclear war with Russia and will get many of us killed. I wonder if Biden believes if we focus on Russia, we will not focus on his corruption with the Ukraine government?

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