Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Isolation A Tool Of Satan

 When we isolate ourselves from the word of God, Satan has control over men who have forgotten God's word. Therefore, one of the primary weapons used by Satan is to bring this isolation about. Isolation may be the beginning of forgetting God. This isolation is bondage; its hallmark is weakness; isolated from the Word of God, and men are powerless. 

Let me illustrate it this way; 

Terror regimes use isolation as a weapon of oppression, and terror arrived in America in 2020 via the mainstream media's fear propaganda. Even the conservative stations segregated all their hosts and spoke of nothing but COVID. Anthony Fauci struck even more trepidation in Americans with his constant updates and statements of how dangerous the Wuhan virus would be to everyone. Deborah Birx and MSM echoed Fauci's doctrine of lies. 

Families were kept apart, children were kept from grandparents, nursing home elderly were sequestered from their loved ones, people were locked in their homes for months, and fearful mothers masked their toddlers. We were kept from each other, kept from standing close, kept from hugging others, kept from coffee and conversation. We were alone out of fear. We stood six feet or more from each other, and mask Nazis raged at those who didn't comply. Fear promoted loneliness. 

Two years of isolation for Americans did much to cement fear and compliance, even with those who saw through the lies...even though we saw the dangers. Fear and loneliness had embedded themselves in our loved ones, friends, and neighbors. "Don't forget your mask," was the call with the wave from neighbors in their yards. 

Today FL governor has requested an investigation into the lies that brought about the lockdown and mandates. The isolation promoted fear and mistrust.

 What does the Lord say? That fear is NOT from Him. How do I know this? 

 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and be quiet from fear of evil. Proverbs 1:33 

 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 

It is easy to allow ourselves to become isolated from the Word of God. We can permit the cares of this world to fill our lives to the point we have no time for God's Word. We can allow fear to grip our hearts and destroy our trust in the LORD.

Look what happened to the disciples when Christ was crucified. Now that Jesus was dead, the heat was on those who followed him. The pressure was so great on Jesus' disciples that Peter denied following Him, and the disciples went into isolation. They locked themselves behind closed doors, fearing the Jews. They were isolated and in trouble because death was right outside the door. They dared not venture from home, for danger waited outside. They found safety in hiding. 

The disciples hid, trying to preserve their lives – much like us today. We are in isolation because death is at our doorstep. We would rather be bored and safe than excited or dead. Those were the disciples' choices: Get out and fellowship and be killed or stay safe inside. 

Amid their isolation, they experienced seclusion: Seclusion, an open invitation for Jesus. To isolate is to insulate from the possibility of anything happening in our lives. Seclusion is different. It creates an atmosphere for Jesus to enter and have a private moment with us. Jesus had given up on public displays. Even when He rose from the dead, He did not seek out crowds. He only sought those who knew and believed in Him. 

The disciples locked behind closed doors, fearing the Jews were isolated. However, the disciples in the Upper Room were not in isolation; they were in seclusion. In the Upper Room, the disciples weren't waiting for a safe escape; they were waiting for a visitation from the Holy Ghost. 

It looks like nothing had changed to the outward man, but a shift happened in seclusion. No longer were they in isolation for fear of what the world might do; they were in solitude, waiting to see what God would do. Between these two polarities, God's visitation changed the narrative. If God ever visits you, the situation may look the same, but it won't be the same, because one visit from God changes everything. 

Are you in isolation from the Word of God or secluded, waiting to hear from the Word of God? Isolation is bondage; its hallmark is weakness; isolated from the Word of God, and men are powerless in the Word of God and learn to trust in Him. 

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