Tuesday, July 13, 2021

A Life of Non-Compliance

 I have been a diabetic for 30 years. A great-grandfather had diabetes. A grandmother had diabetes. Aunts and uncles had diabetes. All my brothers and sisters have diabetes. I have grandchildren that have diabetes. Many of my family are on insulin shots, some as many as four shots a day.  Up until two weeks ago, I was taking three shots each day.  I am on a POD which gives me insulin every five minutes.  I am not against new technology, new medicines, or even experiential drugs. I have taken part in drug trials for diabetes.  I was told the risk and accepted those risks.  I have taken various vaccines over the years.  I have, over time, realized that vaccines do not always work, and sometimes the side effects are worse than the virus or disease.   That being said, I am a little tired of hearing I need to take the COVID vaccine.

Every time I see my doctor, he will ask if I have taken the vaccine.  I will tell him every time NO.  I will not be part of an experiment that has a high death rate.  I know of five people who, after taking the shot, died.  One died within hours of taking the shot.  So, why would I want to gamble my life on a shot that will not protect me from a virus that I have a 99% chance of survival?  I refuse to live my life in the fear of dying.  I already know I am going to die sometime, don't know when but it will happen.  We are not getting out of this world alive.  So, I will not live in fear or be frightened by some propaganda. 

The government is using doctors to get consent to take the shot.  I like my doctor, but he does not make my medical choices.  My medical chart has a list of non-compliant recommendations.  Many people will accept what the doctor says based on trust and consent to medical decisions without being informed of all the risks.  Why would you continue to do something that does not work or create a significant health risk? 

A few years ago, a group of people had the slogan, "My body, my choice." These individuals pushed their ideology to the point that Federal law was passed to give them the freedom to take the life of the unborn.  Today, I do not have the same right of choice for my body.  The Federal government has spent millions of dollars to get me to take a vaccine that may kill me or destroy my health.  It is not about my health; it is about government control of my health.  The history of the U.S. government using vaccines on people is not one to be trusted.

I find it interesting that the present administration has reversed the Executive Order to reduce the cost of insulin which millions of Americans must have to stay alive. There are 34.2 million Americans—just over 1 in 10—who have diabetes, and 88 million American adults—approximately 1 in 3—have prediabetes.  There are 1.5 million new cases of diabetes in the United States each year. (American Diabetes Association [ADA], 2020)

 In 2017, there were 270,702 death certificates with diabetes listed as the underlying or contributing cause of death (crude rate, 83.1 per 100,000 persons).  If the government is concerned about my health, make it more affordable to control and maintain this deadly disease.  Last year the total cost of my insulin with co-pay and insurance was over 16 thousand dollars.  In 2018, the average insulin price per unit in the U.S. was $98.70, compared to $6.94 in Australia, $12.00 in Canada, and $7.52 in the U.K.

More people will die from complications from being a diabetic than the COVID virus.

The total direct and indirect estimated costs of diagnosed diabetes in the United States in 2017 was $327 billion.  Between 2012 and 2017, excess medical costs per person associated with diabetes increased from $8,417 to $9,601 (2017 dollars).  I cannot believe that the government is concerned about my health and safety when they have done nothing to reduce the cost of healthcare for diabetes.

Another concern I have is the number of religious leaders who are telling people to take the shot.  When did they become medical experts?  When asked if they can tell me what is in the "vaccine," they have no idea.  They have taken the message of the government, MSM, and Big Pharma as why you should take the shot and based their recommendation on lies and half-truths.  The Bible warns us about being deceived and those who will deceive us.

 When asked if I will take the shot, I say, NO!  If asked why I will tell them.  I have tried to inform people of the dangers and risks they face, but the choice is theirs, and I honor that choice.  I am not a medical doctor but have read and heard many medical doctors and scientists from Big Pharma say not to take the shot. I am taking their advice.  It becomes a matter of who you trust.  I do not trust those who have profited from this virus.  If the "vaccine" works, why all the hype about everyone taking it?  The results should speak for themselves.  Why has the FDA not approved these "vaccines" if they are so safe and efficient?

The bottom line is this; you must decide what to do that is best for you.  If you feel it is vital to your health to take the shot, then that is your choice.  I will honor your choice and not tell you that you made a terrible choice or that you should have done more research or not trusted the government and Big Pharma.  In return, I would hope you honor my choice not to take the shot.  Would you mind not forcing me to do something that I feel is unsafe and may cause my early death? Allow me the right to choose. You had that right; do not take it away from me?

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