Saturday, July 3, 2021

A Conspiracy Theorist

 I have for years been considered a conspiracy theorist because of my viewpoints on specific issues.  What I find interesting is that many of my conspiracy ideas have become an open reality.  This tells me it was not a theory but a truth.  Anytime you expose the profits and power of an individual or group, the more likely you will be considered a conspiracy theorist.  The controlling manipulators of this world do not want their evil exposed.  They will use terms designed to marginalize and ridicule you.

The term conspiracy theorist has been purposely planted in our minds as a deflection of truth.  Most people refuse to know that they have been subconsciously programmed to consider a conspiracy theory as a lie.  The idea that it is too far-fetched to be true is an insult to their intelligence, and they cannot accept it as truth.  All one needs to do is classify the information as a conspiracy theory, and we can go back to our safe illusion that we are still free people.

When I write about the dangers of government control, the lethality of taking the kill shot, the war on the white race, the complete loss of our freedoms, the breakdown of the supply chain, the collapse of our economy, the signs of the end time, I am not doing this because I'm not too fond of the government, the medical industry, or the race, gender or religion of those different from me.  I do it because I am required to be a light unto the world.  That means I must expose the darkness in the world by shining the light of truth on what is taking place.  It would be so much better for me to remain silent and not have the judgment, shaming, ridicule, hate, and exclusion from exposing the lie.  I love my family, friends, and neighbors but run the risk every time I write something outside the accepted norm of losing them.

Paul wrote in Ephesians 5:11, said, And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.  If there is something evil, then it must be exposed.  Christians have been exposing the corruption or so-called 'conspiracy theories in this world for decades. They have delved into the darkest recesses of what humanity is capable of, consciously lifting the veil to see the world for what it is. Many know the veil exists, but they don't dare to look beyond it. These are the people who shout out 'conspiracy theorists.  These people are not brave. They are unconscious.  They have their eyes blinded by Satan and refuse to see the truth.

I have struggled with the value of sharing information that exposes the lie or keep the information to myself.  There are many things I know to be the truth that cannot be shared with others because they lack background knowledge, refuse to change their thinking, and do not see the importance of exposing the lie.  These people are in complete denial and will continue to drink the Kool-Aide.  They are content to be entertained by a steady diet of propaganda and lies from the MSM, Hollywood, and a corrupt government.

You may call me a conspiracy theorist as a derogatory remark. Still, I will consider you another person programmed to accept the lie and a denier of truth, blinded by Satan and the delusion that you are free.

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