Monday, July 5, 2021

Another False-Religion

 As a person who values my freedom and liberty, I find it disturbing many are willing to sacrifice so much for safety.  The entire world is paralyzed with fear.  Last year Americans gave up their right to work, earn a living, attend church, visit friends and family, be with dying family members in hospitals and nursing homes.  We wore masks, limited our contact with people, made sure we stayed six feet from other humans, sanitized everything we touched because we were afraid we might die.  The fearful developed a new religion based on fear.  Safety became the watchword of this new religion.  If your husband or wife had to die alone, it was worth being safe if your grandmother or grandfather was locked in solitary confinement in a nursing home; that too is worth it for the sake of safety.  

What added insult to injury is the number of politicians, doctors, scientists who lied to us for the sake of safety.  Truth is not as important as safety.  Ever since the Patriot Act, we have been deprived of the joys of freedom and liberty.  We are afraid of getting sick. We see a terrorist in those who own a gun, speak against the tyranny of the government, belong to a Patriotic organization, fly the American flag, and believe the Bible.  Elected leaders and self-appointed spokespeople for safety have labeled those who hold freedom and liberty sacred as domestic terrorists or extremists.

While our cities are burning, we defund the police.  Elected leaders ignore the violence sweeping the country.  Those in the safety religion are only concerned with one thing, have you bowed your knee to compliance and taken the sacred shot?  

When will we say enough is enough?  

The final push toward a totalitarian state is upon us, and an all-out assault on freedom and liberty seems imminent. 

With half of the population joining the religion of Safety-ism and obeying every tenant of the faith, what are those that see this new religion as false teaching and are willing to defy the lie to do?  The leaders of this false religion will be pushing their evangelism with extreme propaganda, fear-mongering, fake "virus" attacks, more mask-wearing, more vaccine mandates, and more social distancing. There will be martial law declared in non-compliant areas as the tyranny reaches total control.

The more that refuse to accept this false religion, the better, as time runs out to convert the non-believers. There will be a more significant push to convert.  There will undoubtedly be many deaths in the fall and winter, which will be blamed on those who have not converted and bowed the knee to compliance and taken the sacred jab. The wheels of tyranny will turn faster and faster in an attempt to finish this long-planned coup to capture and control the hearts and minds of humanity.   

As a person who values my freedom and liberty, I am not willing to sacrifice so much for safety.  I refused to be paralyzed with fear.  I have put my trust in the LORD and will accept what he has for me. 

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