Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Preparing For Battle

 The Lord calls His people to be strong and courageous in Him. St. Paul commands, "Keep on watching, standing fast in the faith, conducting yourselves in a courageous way, and being strong. Let all your things be done with love" (1 Cor. 16:13). This command is dynamic and active. Keep on doing these things. The implication is that we could grow tired and fearful. Therefore, it is written elsewhere, "And let us not be losing heart while doing that which is good; for in due time we shall reap, if we faint not" (Gal. 6:9). 

 We are in much need of the grace of courage. The enemy seeks to wear out the saints of God. The Prophet Daniel saw that godless authority would "Speak extremely arrogant words and wear down the saints of the Most High. He will devise a way to change times and law, and he shall be given authority for a time, times, and half a time" (Daniel 7:25). Indeed, more than in the past, an aggressive attempt is being made to "change" times and law. John teaches, "And the dragon was wroth against the Woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her seed, those keeping the commandments of God and having the testimony of Jesus" (Rev. 12:17). The spirit of the Antichrist will declare war against those accepted by Christ in the world. It says he will begin the war so that, just as when dust thickens the smoothness of oil, finding them vulnerable in life's occupation, he will put them to flight. But many among them will conquer him because they have genuinely loved Christ. 

 Our Lord warns us, "But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drinking, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly" (Lk. 21:34). The Christian believer is commanded, "Let us not sleep as the others do, but let us watch and be sober" (1 Thess. 5:6), for "The end of all things is at hand; therefore, be sober-minded and watchful in prayers" (1 Pet. 4:7). 

 Watchfulness, taking heed, and standing in the Faith cultivate a courageous heart. At the same time, the compromise of the Faith breeds spinelessness. Without the grace of courage, we will crumble before the onslaught of the times. Sadly, many a one who calls himself by the name of "Christian" has dramatically compromised with the demands of the fallen world in a cowardly manner. Some ministers are more concerned about fluffing the pillows of their flock and keeping them comfortable than they are about pursuing truth. Truth can be extremely uncomfortable. Some folks are more than content to have the comfort of sleepy religion. Some churches might as well hang a "do not disturb" sign on their door handles. Some are actively and willfully striving to reconstruct Christianity according to the image of this fallen age. We may be sure that "Evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of" (2 Tim. 3:13-14). 

 It is good to be reminded of the words of the great saint and Prophet of our times; one man said, "A search for compromise will be the characteristic disposition of men. The straightforwardness of salvation will vanish. Men will cleverly justify their fall, and an endearing evil will support a general spirit within the Church. Men will grow accustomed to apostasy from the truth and the sweetness of compromise and sin. What was once condemned is now tolerate. What was tolerated is now condoned. What was condoned is now practiced.

 Before this, St. John soberly reminds us that this spirit of compromise will even be found among those who claim to be born again even among the clergy, "There will be a mass falling away from the faith; even many leaders will betray the faith, justifying themselves by pointing to the splendid position of the Church." The spirit of compromise is related to the essential teaching and doctrine of Life in Christ. In saying that there will be a mass falling away, St. John is speaking of those who call themselves Christian. This does not necessarily mean that physical leaving will take place. Many will remain and claim to be saved while proclaiming a false doctrine, which is simply apostasy. We must guard our hearts! They will then claim that those who do not desire the "new improved" doctrine are "dissenters." For such ones, apostasy will be (and already is) the new standard of salvation. 

 This spirit of compromise is evident even now to those who strive to stand fast in the Faith. Indeed, through the eyes of the faithful, one may visibly behold this sad state being preached and promoted in a better way. Compromise is also not a new manifestation, it has always been a temptation and a pitfall, yet it has become a dominating feature of our times. 

 The new martyrs of the Synagogue of Satan, who suffer worldwide, are vital examples to us today of how to stand courageously in the Faith. They were confronted not simply with raw persecution but also with the subtle spirit of compromise that manifested itself under the guise of democracy. It may also be called adaptations – to be a more significant threat to the life of the Church than persecution. Those who should be disciples compromise Christ Jesus to acquire an everyday life without suffering. The past three years has shown how easy it is to just go with the flow without questioning what is happening.

 When the Church is being betrayed, and the faithful led astray, it is no time for compliments and polite 'dialogues' nor for placing 'sympathy' above truth. For courageous souls, knowing that every word may bring prison or death only increases their boldness in speaking the truth without embellishments. And thus, it has always been in the Church of Christ; those who desire compromise will do their utmost to alter the teaching and Faith of true Christianity to appease the world. Many times, they become emphatic about it. 

 It is time to become a warrior for the Cross and not give our faith as a sacrifice to the mercy of the betrayers and corrupt politicians and agents of the Synagogue of Satan and destruction. I am asking you to put on armor for battle and fortify your powers to become a defender of the Faith. Make your Faith in Jesus Christ heard by a loud and decisive cry against every agreement, against hypocritical and lying compromise, and the betrayal of our Faith to the interests of godless satanism and bitter warfare against Christ and His Church. 

 We are faced today with the spirit of the Antichrist, that is, that of deceit. Many within the Church cannot see the deception because their mind and heart are turned toward earthly things, for the sake of which people become accustomed to renouncing the Lord. There is great danger in desiring to maintain earthly existence and things. If the focus of those in Christianity is to keep some worldly prestige, they are already on the path of compromise. The actual reputation of the Church is not preserved through anything of this earth. It is quite the opposite. As Ignatius of Antioch says, "Christianity is greatest when it is hated by the world" (The Apostolic Fathers, Letter to the Romans, Section 3). 

 As always in the Church, we remember with great honor those who courageously stood for the Faith, whereas those who sought the broad way of compromise are forgotten or rightly scorned. They may find momentary triumph, but their ultimate downfall is inevitable. 

The tribulations of our days will become more intense. The temptations to compromise will become more pronounced. Apostasy will become standardized. In these times, which are a continuation of what was sown in the 1950s, we must acquire spiritual courage for ourselves. We need to ask the Lord to cultivate this grace in our hearts. Indeed, as Scripture commands us, may we watch, stand fast, courageously conduct ourselves, and be strong in the Lord. May the Lord help us and have mercy on us. 

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