Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Seed War Is Coming To An End

 I fear most Christians fail to realize the speed at which Satan has moved to bring about the final confrontation with the LORD. The Great Reset is his plan, and it moves at the speed of light. The pandemic started the process of bringing people to fear and submission. The next act will be destroying the world economy by war and starvation. There is no doubt that a war is coming with Russia and China. 

If you haven’t noticed, a line is being drawn in the sand: you either stand with Ukraine and unquestioningly parrot the establishment narrative — or you are an agent of the Kremlin. The war propaganda is palpable, and we haven’t seen anything like this since the immediate aftermath of 9/11.

People are demanding you take it aside. There is no question that NATO policy over the last eight years has pushed Vladimir Putin into a corner, creating a direct threat to the national security of Russia. Russia has every right to feel threatened, betrayed, and angry. How would Americans feel if Russia had missiles on the Mexico and Canadian border? It is essential to point out that those standing with Ukraine are primarily responsible for the war in the region. As we listen to political voices talk about standing up for “freedom and democracy” in Ukraine, their words ring hollow to those who have been paying attention since 2014.

For starters, Ukraine is not a democracy as democracies don’t take down three TV stations for being critical of the president. Democracies don’t kidnap and cage their political opposition, who happened to come in second in the election process. And, democracies don’t bomb innocent civilians within their own countries for not being loyal to the party.

Undoubtedly, the people of Ukraine desire freedom and democracy — but their leaders have made it clear that this is not their end game.

What’s more, those claiming to stand for freedom and democracy here in America are not who they claim to be either. These same people have been carrying out incredible acts of tyranny against the American people for the past two years. How can we believe a president who speaks lies daily? He says, “America stands up to bullies. We stand up for freedom. This is who we are.” Yet, thousands of people lost their jobs, their homes, some of their lives because of the unlawful mandates of this president--he did not stand for freedom for these people. Again, these words ring hollow given that he said this; he was removing people’s freedom — forcing them to take a vaccine or face financial ruin. 

Instead of calling out the establishment for these unconstitutional and illegal mandates, ABC, CBS, NBC, WaPo, AP, MSNBC, CNN, FaceBook, Twitter, and YouTube chose to support the unilateral decision to force Americans to undergo a medical procedure against their will and vehemently defended it — claiming those that opposed it were the problem.

It is no surprise that these are the same media who have been marching us into a conflict with Russia over Ukraine — only this time, instead of stupid lies about horse-paste, their disinformation has potentially catastrophic consequences. We cannot have such short memories. The same folks who lied to us for two years over covid are again manipulating us into a devastating conflict with Russia because they stand to reap massive profits from war. These manipulators fail to see that their Master Satan leads them to destruction. This is a conflict that Satan will not win, and those who follow him will end in the Lake of Fire. 

It was so easy for governments worldwide to get people to accept a vaccine that has destroyed lives, taken lives, and divided friends and families. How easy will it be for these minions of Satan to convince people to take a mark that will allow them to buy and sell? The people of God need the spirit of discernment. Why have so many been deceived and manipulated by the lies of those who are out to destroy the true believers of the LORD?

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