Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 As I have often said, we are in a spiritual war, and the members of the Synagogue of Satan who follow the Mystery Babylon religion are out to control you or kill you.  Satan's minions do not want you free and independent.  They need obedient people willing to accept their place as a slave to Satan.  The Synagogue of Satan controls everything. They own and control the major corporations, and they control the news media, the entertainment industry, the pharmaceutical companies, and the food chain.  They have bought and paid for enough politicians to influence the elections, the Senate, the Congress, the statehouses, the city halls, the Supreme Court of both federal and state, and every law enforcement and intelligence agency in the world.  They control the wealth of the world through their central banking system.

The United States government was just put through the first coup in over 58 years (what happened in 1963 was a coup to overthrow JFK). You do not want to speak such words aloud near your progressive friends.  I know I will sound like a conspiracy theorist when I say that this last election was stolen from the American people.  A well-funded cabal of influential members of the Synagogue of Satan was working behind the scenes to influence perceptions in the MSM, change the voting rules at the last minute, deny court appeals, and silence anyone who cried "foul."  The impeachment was no more than a smokescreen to divert our attention away from what was happening behind the scenes.  

One must ask, are the people oblivious to any reality or truth, or are they consumed by ignorance, passivity, cowardice, and mediocrity? In the past four weeks, we have seen the tyranny of politicians continue unabated.  The sitting president has signed 52 Executive Orders changing the face of this country.  Jobs have been lost, lives have been put in jeopardy by changing the cost of medicine. Our nation is losing its energy independence, and our president has surrendered our country to the Synagogue of Satan's leaders.

In my cynical mind, I believe we have been asleep so long that we have forgotten how to stand against the destruction of our lives, our property,  our freedom, and our land? What could motivate people to voluntarily accept their servitude, a servitude that can only lead to their imminent demise? 

Since the late 1960s, people in America have been conditioned to look to the government to solve their problems.  We have had the War on Poverty, the War on Drugs, the War on Terror, now we have the War on COVID-19.  The war on poverty failed, the war on drugs failed, the war on terror failed, and the war on COVID is failing.  We live in a country that has lost the ability to function without the government controlling our lives.  We have allowed a few politicians to control us from the cradle to the grave, taking away our individual sovereignty and independence to become voluntary slaves of obedience to the Synagogue of Satan.  

How many times have Americans bragged about being exceptional and falsely declared that we are the freest people on earth?  How many times have you heard or said dictators should be removed from power?  We fought Germany,  Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Lybia, and Syria because of tyrannical dictators.  Yet, the American people are allowing that same tyranny and brutality here at home and do nothing?  I can tell you, most all in this country are voluntarily allowing this takeover today and are doing absolutely nothing to stop it. Like just refusing to wear a mask and mass dissent, civil disobedience would be enough to quell this onslaught of government lies, carnage, murder, and liberty destruction. Still, while you condemn others, you sit idle and watch your freedom taken away without ever lifting a finger to stop it. Shame on all of you who refuse to disobey and refuse to defend your freedom!

I am amazed at the number of churches that have remained closed during this so-called pandemic.  How can a pastor obey the government over the LORD?  Where is the courage to say we will obey God rather than man?  Is it any wonder the spiritual war is being lost to Satan?  The people who say God has called them to shepherd His people are a no-show on the battlefield.  If we do not cry out against what is happening, who will?

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